Anything that happens in life, or questions about life that I can think of. Please feel free to comment on any of the topics I bring up. I enjoy reading other perspectives. Now stop reading the header you loser.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Fakie Bakie

As I promised my self in my previous blog, when I think of something I want to blog about, I'm going to do it matter how short the blog might turn out. Well, here I am again.

PS. my last blog title is an Arnie quote. (Austrian Death Machine! RAR! Haha!)

After Warped Tour yesterday, Dean, Jon, and I went to Taco Bell to get some grub. Afterwards we watched Sports Center and hung out with Dean before he had to leave. Then Jon and I watched Predator on TBS and some ghetto show on MTV. I think everyone should watch Predator and learn Arnie lines from that movie 'cause that movie is pure genius. I think a young Arnie would have made a good Solid Snake. Watching Arnie crawl through leaves and seeing him covered in mud made me think of snake. Stupid ass TBS edited so much content though. I mean c'mon, it's 12:00 a.m, give me a little something.

Jon and I become a fan of those poorly scripted dating shows on MTV last night. If anyone knows the name of the show where a guy goes out with 3 Moms and chooses a daughter on how much he likes the Mom please let me know the name. That show is amazingly bad/good.

Warped Tour blog later, I promise.

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