Anything that happens in life, or questions about life that I can think of. Please feel free to comment on any of the topics I bring up. I enjoy reading other perspectives. Now stop reading the header you loser.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

"Nigga Get Off Me, This My Bus Stop"

I woke up this morning and I said "Mutha fuck the Police" and I didn't go to school. I said I ain't no ones bitch...and the fact that is snowing like crazy and the fact that Joe wasn't going to school and I didn't have another ride. But still, it was mostly my decision. I woke up at 8 today, which is weird since I wake up at 8:30 on usual school days. I woke up less tired and more ready for the day which again is weird since I went to bed later too. I hit the sack around 12:15 but probably didn't go to bed til 1:30ish because I had to much stuff to think about. Its not like I am under a lot of stress or anything, but I just like thinking. I woke up at 8 and talked to Joe and then laid there for another half hour thinking. I catch myself thinking and talking to my self a lot (Attention, more about this later). I got out of bed an thought to myself, well damn, a day all to myself, I am going to get all my homework out of the way and to some chores I've been meaning to do. But no. I hopped on the computer and I've been Wikipedia'n, google'n, and just been doing all sorts of online research on random things I've been curious about. Its a little after 2 now so from 8am to 2pm I've been been basically doing Jeopardy homework. I've been reading up and looking up shit on a wide range of stuff. I looked up Ellen G. White, Seventh Day Advintists, Number of the Beast, Satan, Cloud Strife, Squall Leonhart, Tifa Lockhart, Vincent Valentine, Fanal Fanatasy 7 and 8 (to bad no one gives a fuck about 9) and Advent Children, different terms like concept albums, musical refrain and burden, I've been looking up different interpretations on songs and other things, I've been looking up movies and bands I've been meaning to check out (Can't wait for 300). The internet is such a rich source of information. I learned things about serious and spiritual topics like the the number of the beast 666 and I learned about stupid little updates like Amber Pacific having a song in the up coming TMNT movie (Also about their new CD coming up soon!). It was fun. What a waste of day and a day well spent. My Mom just gave me an Ellen G. White book to read that she had called "The Desire of Ages." I've never been much of a reader, but my my thirst for random and important knowledge is at an all time high. We will see how deeply I can dig into the book. Oh, and for those of you in the circle, I just called Dean to tell him that I got off the phone with Adam and Fred to tell him TBS just called the show haha. And another random update, U of M just cancelled all their classes haha. The Osseo school district doesn't call school off but the U of M does. What the fuck is that? Let the youth enjoy thier days. Everyone bitches about how they miss their innocent youth when they get older, well maybe we should give the kids more opportunities. Ya feel me? I thought you might.

My Mom is cooking something up stairs and from a distance it kind of smells like piss.

That reminds me, I have to bring something about stink. The other day just did it for me, I was thinking my observations over the past might just have been coincidence but I just don't care any more. We look at black people and think big lips and gangsters, Mexicans as dirty and poor and we give Asians small eyes. Here is another stereotype you can add to your list. Chinese people have stinky breath! Now I don't know if these people I were talking to were Chinese but they had the names (Li, Fangs, etc). They could have been laos, or all those other Chinese cultures, but their breath was stank. My old math teacher last semester, chinese and stink. My Math T.A, Chinese and stink. The group of chinese helpers I had yesterday, stink. And I don't even know how I got paired up with that group. There was a table full of whites and one Chinese section and that spot just happened to open up when I was the next in line. I ask the lady, who was very nice, "how are you?" And she replies, "gHOod, THank YOu. HOw are YOu TOdAY?" Please don't asperate any more, I'm dying. Oh well.

I usually blog about my weekend on Tuesdays since I don't actually time on the weekends, but this Tuesday I ran out of time and couldn't. So I am going to finish it now. Oh, "Inevitable" by Anberlin just came on. This song rocks! I think I finshed Fri and Sat. Sunday...hmm...seems like it was such a long time ago, but short at the same time. (Balance, more on that later). I woke up pretty late and sore as fuck. I think I laid in bed for an extra hour or something just because I didn't want to move. I had to inch my way out of bed, it was horrible. But I eventually rolled out. I had homework in mind since I had a exam on Tuesday, Wed and a quiz and paper due Friday. Before I started on my homework, I decided to watch Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children and it was fucking amazing! I thought I'd watch it since I am a fan of the Final Fantasy games, Dick said it was good and it was due back soon. I didn't expect much from it, but it blew me away. The story and characters and CG texture and how artfully the movie is done is incredible. The story has so much depth to it. It would take me a while to discribe everything but it just has so many elements in it that I believe in. The characters all have their own rich personalities. I love the story and characters cause I can apply them to my life, I mean, I'm not going around jumping off buildings and shit, but there are parallels. The computer graphics are amazing. If I could create something that visually stunning with a computer my life would be set. The heavy Japanese anime feel is awesome to. The time and gravity manipulation, most of people in our generation would understand as bullet time or "The Matrix." The transitions in the movie are crafted so artfully. Its just fucking awesome. Its the perfect appetizer to 300 which comes out soon. If 300 lives up to its name, and is actually what it appears to be, its going to be, to me, everything a movie could ever stand for.

Spring break is coming up and here is a list of video games and movies I need to kill.

Video Games:
1) Final Fantasy 7
2) Final Fantasy 8
3) Kingdom Hearts
4) Kingdom Hearts 2
5) Dirge of Cerberus

1) Butterfly Effect
2) Sin City
3) Crash
4) 300
5) Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children
There are more, but I forgot.

So I started writing this blog at 2 and now it is 5, but I haven't been writing this whole time, that would some serious writers cramp. I went outside to shovel the snow, which now seems pointless cause everyones driveway is covered again, but I don't look at it that way and it was good exercise. I went out to help my Dad do our driveway, and then I thought about going over to my neighbors and doing hers. She is this old lady that I have never talked to my 7 years living in Plymouth. I thought it would be really nice to do something like that for her. Her husband of like 50 some years passed away not to long ago. I never properly got to meet him and I think I talked to him at the most 2 times. On top of that, I've been reading a lot about philanthropy lately. Jane Addams and Andrew Carnagie are the top two figures that stick out in my head. And on top of that, in my career exploration class I learned that we grow most as people when we take risks. We learned that most of the time when people take simple risks, things never turn out bad. After I got done with my driveway I stood in my driveway thinking if I should do it or not. The snow was beating down on me and I just sat there, fighting with my own voice. I mean I've had plenty of chances to introduce myself, but I never did. And for some reason for me, introductions get more awkward as time passes. Then I just said fuck it, and I walked over to her house, take a risk, be bold. I walked up to her door girl scout style and I asked her if it would be okay if I shoveled her driveway for her. She told me that I really didn't have, but I told her that I wanted to. So she told me just to do the walk way and I agreed. I finished the walk way then I thought it would be nice if she had a path to walk in to get to her mailbox. So I carved a path from her door to the mailbox. She came out as I was about to finish and gave me some money. I tried to refuse to money as hard as I could, but she kept forcing the money into my jacket pocket and told me that I am a college student and that I needed it. Warmed my heart. Before she went in and asked for my name and I told her it was Min and she told me her name was Mary. It was just like a scene from a sappy movie scene. I always hear people talking about, wouldn't it be nice to live like the movies, well it isn't impossible. I am trying to take a new approach my life, and so far I like it (Attention, again, more on that later). While I was shoveling Mary's driveway , my other neighbor Brian was shoveling his. We weren't that far from each other so we chatted while doing our work negro slave style. Brian doesn't have a snow blower so I thought I would help him. And I did. So in total I did 3 driveways. Ahh, fuck you Jane Addams and Andrew Carnegie.

Damn, I was going to use this day to do homework and chores, but all I've done is read up on random things of interests, and clean snow for 3 hours. I may need to cut this blog short so I can write my Rock History paper. I had a list of topics I wanted to touch on too, like all those "I will get to it later" deals. Oh well. I'll save it for tommorrow while I wait for the bus.

The concerts! This snow better not fuck up with is suppose to be my greatest weekend ever. Damn you Meg and Dia for calling Mitch to tell him that you guys weren't coming! I know I've bloged about the concerts in the past, but I am so pumped that I am going to do it again. But really, its not my fault I've bloged about before, I mean I've had tickets to this Underoath concert since Nov! Thats almost a half year ago! so blow me. Sat: Anberlin, Bayside, Meg and Dia, Jonezetta at Station4. Should be sweet! Not as sweet as the Sun concert but a perfect appetizer. That new Anberlin joint sounds pretty sweet from what I've gathered. They have that really sweet song that I was listening to before. Bayside...well, ehh...I don't like them much. I will catch my breath during their set. My Meg and Dia hysteria has calmed down, but I am still really excited to see them. It sounds like they put on a good show and sounds like they have good stage presence and converstations. I just got into Jonezetta lately and I am excited to see them live. Their music is really easy to dance to so I will be acting a damn fool when they open. Sun: Taking Back Sunday, Underoath, Armor for Sleep. The GREATEST concert I have ever seen, or heard of I guess. I just can't even describe this concert and how excited I am. Its like knowing that I am going to be given the world on Sunday and now I just need to wait til Sunday. Its like knowing Jessica Alba is in my bed naked and just waiting for me to get home. Its like knowing the Kool Aid man is on the other side of the wall! I just get the bubble belly thinking about it. I've been texting my Seneses Fail friend about the up coming show lately and he sounds as pumped as I am. My Senses Fail buddy is this guy I met at the Senses Fail show, duh. Its weird to think about how I stayed in contact with this guy and I don't even know his name, and I talked to him for about 10 minutes 6 months ago. Kinda cool actually.

One more topic before I go start my rock paper (starting a paper is the hardest thing, and picking a title). Hockey. I only started paying attention to hockey in high school since I was around hockey a lot. And over those few years I tried to get into hockey. I tried to enjoy hockey but couldn't. It wasn't appealing to me, but I always respected it, or tried to, but hockey people made it hard. When we would have sports talks at lunch, a couple of times we talked about what sport is the hardest. Some would say golf and people would be like yeah, but hockey players would never admit anything was harder then hockey. A couple of times we talked about what sport requires the most energy. Everyone agreed it wasn't baseball, c'mon...but baskeball players gave football props and football players gave soccer players props and soccer players basketball players props and some people will give hockey props, but hockey players, only gave hockey props. Its frustrating to put up with such self centered stubborn people. Hockey players all act tough, but they are big softies. Why do hockey players fight? Because they have to prove to them selves that they are tough. Why don't football players fight? Football is much more physical then hockey, but there aren't as many fights. I tried my damn hardest to like hockey and respect hockey, but the people that represent hockey are dicks. Stupid suburban white boys who need to show off and get attention. I can offically say I hate hockey. I am on your ship Dean. The other week we played a little backyard football and well guess what, it was only the hockey players that got hurt. Not a little basketball player like Dean, not a skinny white boy like Andy, but the big "tough" hockey players. And I saw some of their injuries, it was nothing. The worst injury happened to Dean when his leg got bent in a way it shouldn't, but you know what, he got up after a minute and walked it off. This is even after he took substantial blows to the head. I don't mind when people get hit and they need a second to gather themselves, thats okay, its rough out there, but when you play hockey, a "tough" sport, and you get hurt on every other play in a friendly backyard football game!? That says something about hockey. I stick my fucking head in on ever play. I put my head down and get dirty. I rolled my ankle probably 3 times playing in that uneven snow. I got elbowed in the jaw. I tweaked knees and shoulders. I dive for balls and I've never seen a hockey player do that. Oh right, they aren't athletic and/or coordinated enough to do something like that. But never did I get up bitching about my injuries. I keep that shit to my self. Why? because I don't want to other team to know I'm hurting. I like to know that they are bleeding and knowing I'm untouchable. Why don't I share my injuries? Because I don't need peoples pity and attention. I am there to win a game, not to let people know I'm there and to get their attention. I don't need that. That is very suburban. Needy. And this isn't just the people I play backyard football with, its been every hockey player. All soft pussies. They look good on the ice, sure, but they are playing with other pussies. They need to act macho to cover up the pussiness. You know what other sport reminds me of hockey? Lacrosse. Now lacrosse isn't as bad as hockey, yet, because it isn't as big, but they probably will pass hockey soon since those brainless brutes don't even know how to keep the sport alive. But I've noticed a lot of hockey players getting into lacrosse and the lacrosse vibe is the same as hockey. And I can tell you from experience, lacrosse playrs are soft. I played two games, and people I knew told me I had the biggest lacrosse hit they have ever seen. And when I was out there, I could just feel how soft those guys were. Sure it was winter box lacrosse league and all those guys probably suck, but I still killed them. It would be the same if I went out on a junior gold game and killed people. Ross Petterson, a football player, went out and killed everyone too. But, Osseo did have a couple of kids playing for their team who were regarded as top 10 players on the state. So maybe it wasn't junior gold lacrosse game. Anywho, I am going to end this ass beating and start my paper. Minnesota the state of hockey? Sucks for us. Learn how to run a damn league fags.

I did catch a part of the Wild game on Sunday though. Watching Jon and Nick play and then watching them play was so different. I didn't know people could cut on ice like they do. When I watch my friends, everything is so rounded off when it comes to movement, but the pro players moved like they were on groud. And they were so fast and aggressive. Their passes so quick and accurate. It was crazy. There is this guy for the Wild, Boogaard his name might be. I like him. Is he actually good? I have no idea. I think its kind of cool that I taught myself hockey. Basketball and Football was learned with help from others.

Anywho, paper, time! ahh!