Anything that happens in life, or questions about life that I can think of. Please feel free to comment on any of the topics I bring up. I enjoy reading other perspectives. Now stop reading the header you loser.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Offically Mature

In about a half hour (I think) from when finish this sentence I will be 20 and no longer a teenager and that sucks. Peter Leisen was the first one first one to wish me a happy 20th birthday so thank you Peter. He knew it was technically my birthday before I did. Shortly after my sister sent me a text which was really nice of her since it was really late and she has school the next (or this) morning. Dawson wished me a happy birthday when I left and Andy hollered at me when he dropped me off. Skye texted me a happy birthday wish while on the way home from Dawsons. When I got home I had a MySpace birthday wish from McKenna and an early facebook wish from Dar. Barnett wished me a happy birthday via AIM the other day as well. I kinda dont like talking about my birthday cause it makes me feel like an attention seeking prick. But there is no denying that it is indeed my Birfday. I have nothing big planned. Really I've had nothing to do at all for these last few days. Ben is coming over tommorrow which makes me happy because with him I can atleast play Halo with him and listen to and write music. Honestly, at this point in my musical life, I could write music with Ben all day. But I think that would be extremely broing for him. Something about being creative and doing what ever the hell you want is so me. Working toward an end purpose that represents you is very appealing. Peter is going to the dance club tommorrow so if a few other people I know want to go, I might be going to that. It would be a nice change up and it would be something to do. Back to music though. I've noticed and people pointed out today that I've been dressing different lately. More "emo" I guess you could call it. Before I thought it would just be weird to dress like that. I thought those people were doing that just to get into the "scene." But it doesnt matter to me anymore. During this past tough time in my life, music has helped me in so many ways. I always read articles from young music listeners about how music "Saved My Life" blah blah blah. Although I never had suicidal thoughts, I can say music has kept my life together long enough for me to make it through my troubles while staying sane. Music helped me vent alone. Music listined to me and I listined to it. Music helped me release my emotions. So if the way I dress can express my debt to music so be it. I dont think I look "Emo" and I dont want to with the tight pants and shirt, but lets say "Indie." An alternative way to express my personalized style and thanks to music. I know there are alot of "Emo" haters out there and thats fine. Fuck them. They just dont understand. This all still sounds gay to me, but it worth it. And hey, its a challenge I put on myself to be more honest in 2007. Even if that means I put myself out there for embarrassment. Fuck everyone haha. But ya, if they way I dress can express what type of music I listen to and how deeply I feel for it, perfect. Mission complete.

Today was another slugglish day. Woke up, ran around and did chores with my Mom and had lunch with her. I started my "Re-Pimp Your iPod" project today and it should take me a while to finish. I am converting all my songs into 128bit MP3s then putting them onto my iPod one artist at a time. I want my iPod to be perfect. Agian, music is worth it. I am also going to use the new iTunes tool and paste all the album artwork into all my songs. Right now I got through all the numbers and through Acceptance. I have to convert the over sized MP3s into AAC to save room on my iPod and then convert them into 128bit MP3s to save room on my harddrive. Then I have to organize everything on my harddrive so I know where everything is. It makes it tough when I have singles from artists cause its gay making a whole folder for one song. "Its all worth reaching for."

Later Dawson came over and we ran around the Shoppes for a little while then went to his place. We did some sweet 2 player Guiatr Heroing and then I helped him on a video project for a little while. I really dont think I am good at video editing but seeing a beginners work and my work kind of opens my eyes. It feels like I've been doing to same thing for years now but after today I see that I really have improved over the years. What seemed to basic to me, doesnt come easy to everyone. Videos have a certian rhythm to them and maybe music helps me there agian. Haha, fucking music. Makes me wonder if I still work at it, if I can still get better. Its pretty amazing that I taught myself how to do all this and the natural talent that I was blessed with (Haha, that sounds REALLY REALLY cocky but I didnt know how else to state that. Forgive me, I dont mean to sound like a prick. I mean everything I saw humbly and modestly). After I helped with that we went for a quick Wendys run then we watched House of Wax. I love me my shitty horror and sci-fi movies. This one didnt dissapoint. I really like the wonderful quotes you get from the stupid protagonists as they buckle under pressure. People could turn stupid from watching all the stupid moves and choices in horror movies. Later Andy came over and we went to Applebees which was kind of a waste since I wasnt that hungry and we didnt go to our usual Applebees. I shouldnt have eaten anything cause I wasnt hungry and now its just going to turn into fat. Oh well. After we just sat around and watched Dawson's tube. House of the Dead 2 was on for a little while so we watched it for a little while.

Happy 4th of Jan everyone! Its a magical day! haha.