Anything that happens in life, or questions about life that I can think of. Please feel free to comment on any of the topics I bring up. I enjoy reading other perspectives. Now stop reading the header you loser.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

V For...

Last night I watched one of the most refreshing movies in a long time, V for Vendetta. When it originally was released I heard it was based off a comic book and that turned me away from the movie thinking it was going to be another X-Men, or Spiderman, or Fantastic4, or Spawn, or Hulk action/visual movie. No one told me that this movie carries an actual message. So when I popped my borrowed copy of V for Vendetta into my borrowed Playstation2 last night to watch it with my friend Mitch around midnight, I was expecting a short action flick lacking any stimulation. To my pleasant surprise the movie basically spoke my words for me. I am glad I didn't watch it when it was originally released because I would have not cared much about what was being told in the movie back then so the movie reached me at a perfect time in my life. The trouble with art is that viewers will always interpret the work differently and only the most articulate of tongues will ever get their point across. A lesson that could be pulled from the movie. I stated in a much older blog that when I realized this I knew I had to become a better writer, speaker, reader but most importantly human being. Words never die, right? And if the movie is right, a thought never dies? This makes me want major in philosophy because what is more powerful then the human mind. I didn't do any recent research, but I do believe the word philosophy is greek or something like that and has two parts to it. One part meaning thought, and one part meaning love. The love of thought. Please correct me if I'm wrong, because I don't want to be feeding people bull shit like that if I'm wrong. Anywho, go watch V For Vendetta if you haven't yet. I could write about what I thought about it and the messages I loved from it, but I would only be reciting a collection of my old blogs. But when you watch it, think about the power of a truly loving and truly caring human being with an emphasis on the word TRULY. How beautiful our world could be if everyone lived with that value in mind. And don't give yourself to much credit when you think that either, don't tell yourself that if you were president or the leader of the world it would be a better place, because you're wrong. I've caught myself telling myself the exact thing, that if I could just speak to people and tell them how I felt that it would be a better place, but then right after I question myself. Who am I to say what is right? Who am I to say what is bad? Is our world, our society forever doomed? Maybe. Will we ever live perfect lives in a perfect place? Probably not. But we can live like human beings.

I guess a good segue out of V for Vendetta would be my thought on Microsoft Surface. If you haven't seen what Microsoft Surface is all about, go to and watch the videos they have there. Pretty cool right? But at the same time doesn't it scare the shit out of you? Our lives are going to be so digital and so linked that we may soon not have any privacy left. If I'm someone that has nothing to hide, I shouldn't be worried, right? Yea, I guess so, but still. I am guessing the people who support the patriot act are loving the idea of Microsoft Surface. Now they can stalk our lives even harder and pump more fear into our lives. Propaganda is a powerful tool. I'm obviouslly not articulate or eloquent enough to change peoples minds with my words but for some reason it seems like movies are a more powerful medium. If people can see it and visualize it, they can understand it better. Thats how stupid we all are. There are so many connections I can make with V For Vendetta, but again, I don't feel like reciting my old blogs at noon on a cloudy day, there are better things I could be doing. I guess right now I am just asking people to think for themselves and don't let the fear be pumped into to you. I think...sometimes I don't even know what I'm thinking. And does anyone know when the partiot act is going to be lifted? That thing scares the shit out of me. It's for our protection right? Or is it for the governments protection? "People shouldn't afraid of their government, the government should be afraid of their people." - Codename: V. Am I promoting anarchy by using that quote? Well I'm not sure, how do you want to spin my words? I guess I could say some proud bullshit like, "I'm just being patriotic, and helping my people," or, "I'm just being an american," but I won't. People only say that shit so they don't give their opponent any leverage. I'll just spit the truth. So I'm promoting anarchy? I guess by definition I am. But along with the issue of safety vs. freedom, what about man vs. machine? I think I might be a little paranoid here because I remember reading about stories when the computer came out. People were petrified of computers back then in fear that the machines would rise, kind of like the Terminator I guess. But think of it now, people back then were afraid of chips we use in calculators now. But I still worry a little bit because worrying is my nature. All of our info is going to be digital. It just seems like we could be fucked so easily. I mean, I play online video games and there are a shit load of hackers on those games. Its a good thing those are just video games. Oh well, hopefully I'll be dead before global warming, and before Microsoft Surface takes over our lives. What about my children? I probably won't have any because I will probably spend my life all alone. By choice? No, but I just don't see anything happening for me any time soon. I shared my views about dying alone with my Mom the other night over dinner and she says that she will help me find my special girl haha. Now that is some real game, my Mom and I at the bar macking on some fine hunnies. I'm sure my Mom could get more girls then I could haha. Here is something I am very envious about, how I don't have any real extended family. I told my Mom that I am sad because our family has it tough because some of our family, well most, lives in Korea. Right now I really need someone I can talk to, someone I can trust. But I have no friends I can talk to about my feelings, and my brother and my sister are much to young and suburbanized, and one can't really talk to ones parents about everything because they are parents, they think like parents and sometimes it affects their judgement. All they want to do is yell at your and make your life better then theirs. So really, who do I have? No one. I have no extended family and no friends. Lately I've been thinking the only people you can trust are the people your share blood with. But my options are so limited and it sucks. Oh! I totally forgot when I was talking about man vs. machine, I wanted to mention a movie called Appleseed. It is a Japanese animation flick, but it is damn good. Of course it's damn good, those Japanese mo fo's are so good at what they do. I guess I'll write more about it later because it is 12:45 now and I need to do other things. I hope everyone is well. Enjoy the shitty Minnesota weather.