Anything that happens in life, or questions about life that I can think of. Please feel free to comment on any of the topics I bring up. I enjoy reading other perspectives. Now stop reading the header you loser.

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Wow, I haven't blogged since November 7th. Haha. Normally I would feel terrible for not documenting my life regularly, but this time around I don't feel a drop of guilt. What's up with the change? I don't really know, I just don't feel guilty.

So, what have I been up too since Nov. 7th!? Well, I wish I could tell you not a lot and that my life has been ordinary, but I can't. My whole world has been changed mostly due to my visiting South Korea. I don't know what exactly changed me when I was there, nor can I pin-point one event that, but I know ever since visiting and coming back to the States, I see life and the whole world differently. It's crazy! I don't mean "it" as in the world and life, but how much two weeks of meaningful and new experience can change ones life. I can't wait to go back! Maybe someday when I have more time, I'll write about all the things that I did when I went there.

Lately I've been thinking to myself: what if I lived during the time of the Samurai? I think it'd be freaking awesome. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but I think I would have made one hell of a Samurai.

School started back up last week and so far I am ahead of the game. I don't think ever in my career at the U of M have I been so caught up in my school work. It feels good, better than good. I am going to use this spare time to watch some episodes of Bleach, which I have been addicted to lately. My episode is probably done loading right now. Either my Internet here at Melrose is really slow or YouTube is struggling which could be since they just did some work on the site. But I need to stay ahead in my homework at least until next Thursday when I plan on seeing Saosin and Armor For Sleep co-headline! Should be a grand time! I've missed going to concerts...I think my last one was the Chiodos/Emery/Scary Kids Scaring Kids/Devil Wears Prada concert. Stacked? Yea, I think so.

Am I a nerd for watching anime and thinking about Samurai? Hell no!

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