I'm thinking about the blog I wrote for last years Warped and I remember it being an epic blog. I've written some pretty long blogs in my day, but that one might top them all. I'm going to try to keep this one cohesive and concise but I feel I will most likely fail. And fail hard.
So every summer there is this little rock and roll tour that goes around the US and a few Canadian spots called the Warped Tour. It's kind of epic and if you've never been to one and you listen to rock music, don't consider your self a fan of rock music just yet. Stick to like, rap or pop music until you get your cherry popped. It's kind of like the Mecca of rock festivals, although I'll give Bamboozle credit only because the type of rock played there is the type I enjoy most (Sorry SXSW and 'Palooza). So this little tour I blog about every summer has been around for a little while, no big deal. It started out primarily as a giant punk tour, but it has evolved probably mostly because of Kevin Lyman, the founder and mastermind behind Warped. Now I'm not going to talk like I know the guy personally, because I don't, but to me he seems like a very hard working, thoughtful, caring, open minded, and most importantly a fan of rock music. Warped has evolved into a place where all types of music come together, but the core is still the same. For example, Katy Perry was on this years tour. You know, she kissed a girl, and she liked it. She is considered a pop act, but she has some edge to her and I consider her a Warper. Now every summer I claim that Warped Tour is the highlight of my summer, well, because it is. I sit here now and think that aside from trips to Korea and once in a lifetime events, Warped Tour is the highlight of my year every year. I can't think of a time where I feel more free and happy. I am around my mainest duders, Dean and Jon, I am surrounded by music culture, I can act a fool and no body gives a huffck, we eat lots of food and drink lots of tasty drinks, I am surrounded by a demographic that is probably 99% liberal and I can yell politically insensitive things with out getting into trouble, and I can yell swear words and not worry about an old person slapping my wrist (Not that I need to swear to communicate, but it's just part of my language). It's so perfect. I feel sluggish at times during the summer because I hate sitting around and doing nothing, but Warped just juices me back up. I feel like a child again.
I don't know where to go from this and this will probably happen a couple of times during this blog, but hey, kiss my dick head. I'll just start talking about Warped '08. My neck is still sore and my voice is sore. This is probably the most sore my voice has been after any Warped. I think I am getting more into the singing of the bands. My back and legs and knees and ankles and feet are a lot better than previous Warpeds.
I don't consider Warped Tour a one day event, no, not for us it's not. For me, I listen to all Warped Tour music all summer to get ready. Warped has always been on a Sunday for us so I call the whole weekend, "Warped Weekend," cool name huh? Friday we all chill and we get active to prepare our bodies for Warped. Saturday we sit around and play video games and listen to Warped music and rest our bodies. We eat a isht ton of good food as well. Sunday is the main event. We usually wake up early, get us some McDonalds breakfast, get us some energy drinks from Freedom, and off to the venue for an epic day. One of the best parts about Warped Weekend is the day after Warped. When we are all suffering from Post-Warped Tour Syndrome (Yes, it's a proper noun and a clinical illness) on Monday we sit in Jon's basement and do nothing at all. All movies, all TV. Usually no video games either since we are just too lazy to move. Too lazy and sore and just sitting there doing nothing is honestly the most efficient thing you can do after a Warped Tour. We don't even leave the house for food, we order pizza. This year it got messed up a little but no big, I'll explain later (if I remember). Warped Weekend lasts from Friday till Monday for me and I huffking love it. Around this time late Monday/early Tuesday it sets in that Warped Weekend is over and that I will need to wait a whole year to experience this time of music and bonding again. I remember thinking in '07 it'll never come, and it came in no time. I sit here thinking waiting a year is way too long, and I remind myself how I felt in '07 but I can't help but feel sad/nervous/nostalgic. It's truly a beautiful time to me. It might not be a big deal to others, but I really appreciate everything that goes on during this time.
This years Warped was way different, but it also shared many repeated traditions. Friday and Saturday was pretty normal. Sunday started out the same. We all meet up and head over to McDonalds. Got our grub on and then went over to Freedom and got me a Rip It. The strange thing about this years Warped is that it wasn't 900 degrees and humid and sunny. It was cloudy and warm which sounds like heaven for a Warped tour. Already it was different. This year, we would drive our selves to Warped instead of having someone's parents drop us off. Why? Because it wasn't at the Metrodome but rather Canterbury Park. Parking was free, which was nice but it took for ever for all the Warped goers to get into the parking lot. I don't think Canterbury Park was ready for that many vehicles to all come in at once. I started to panic a little because I was worried that I might miss a very important set. We got in eventually and the first thing I had to do was take a shit. Pretty convenient too because poopers were all set up at the front. Jon started this cool thing last year where we buy and extra sandwich at McDs and eat it in line. Just kind of funny. Oh, and even in line, I just feel giddy and ready. I mean I just start talking to the people around me because I just feel so comfortable and everyone always has a positive response. The couple in front of me got angry because they saw a Jon McCain sticker, and we got a laugh out of it. They needed a lighter for their cigs but were too shy to ask so I just yell out for a lighter and right away I get about 3 offers. It's just an awesome community. I hate smoking, but I can with stand it when Warped Tour is waiting for me. Like mentioned above, this one is at a new location. Usually when we go to the 'Dome we know exactly where to go when we get in. Take a right, go strait and then a left and look for the giant red balloon. We were lost again and had to search for the red balloon while worrying about who might be playing and who we might be missing. It didn't take us long and we were relieved to find out that we weren't missing anyone. Afterwards we walked about to mark where all the stages were going to be. We had about an hour before Color Fred got on stage who were the first act we wanted to see. After we organized all the stages in our brain pieces, we did some tent viewing. Dean almost got a spray tattoo on his damn dome. It would have been sick...not, 'toos are ugly. But it's Dean, anything looks cute on Dean. We hit up the Rock Band tent and showed everyone how The Formula To... does things. Eh, not really, something was fucked up and we barely got into the game. Again, I just asked the first person behind me if they knew what was going on and she helped us out. She even sang for us. I can't stress how cool people are there. Maybe everyone there are just as jacked up as I am and nothing can spoil their moods. She was a pretty good singer too. We met up with Danielle and Anne since they were there too and chatted before we went our separate ways to see our desired acts.
These are the beautiful acts we were blessed to see at Warped Tour 2008:
12:55 - The Color Fred
2:00 - Every Time I Die
2:30 - Anberlin
3:10 - Say Anything (Haha, well, not really)
4:10 - Angels and Airwaves
5:00 - OreskaBAND
5:10 - Story of the Year
5:40 - Motion City Soundtrack
6:00 - The Devil Wears Prada
6:40 - The Academy Is...
7:30 - Sky Eats Airplane
Beautiful is it not? $30 for these many great acts? Too good of a deal. And this was the thinnest Warped Tour lineup that I've been to and I've been hearing ever. But it's still Warped and still amazing. The thin lineup is one factor why I am not as sore today as previous Warpeds. That and I'm quite experienced now when it comes to concerts and I've learned my tendencies and how to prepare.
I got to say I like the Hurley stage the best. The main stages hold too many people bu the Hurley stage is always intimate and the crowds are the funnest.
The Color Fred I guess would be the second act we saw behind From First to Last, but they don't count. Sunday was the first time I ever saw TCF and I can't wait to see them again. Very good performance and I like how Fred explained what his songs were about. Of course Fred played "Minnesota", even though I saw he wasn't playing it at other shows. I enjoyed The Color Fred much more than I thought I would. They were a very good band to get warmed up to. Fred is looking mighty old and nasty these days. Maybe because he is just on Warped and maybe because he isn't dressed up all nicely like he did when he was with Taking Back Sunday. His hair is thinning and he is starting to develop a belly. Naturally I was rocking out and I've never seen my self actin' a fool but I can imagine I look very weird and unorthodox. I'm very Anthony Green meets Spencer Chamberlin meets Mike Hranica with a hint of Ronnie Winter. These girls behind me started mocking me moves, but out of respect and love I guess, haha. They patted me on the back and explained how much they "loved" me. I got a good laugh out of it. At first I was worried I was annoying them, but I think they genuinely liked my performance haha.
Another break before Anberlin and Everytime I Die. The first half of the day was kind of slow and had gaps between acts we wanted to see. But the second half of the day was like bang, bang, bang. (If that makes any sense). We caught Everytime I Die from the back and then moved to the side since Anberlin was next on the other main stage. ETID always has their fans do crazy ish. This time instead of the "Wall of death," they wanted to crowd to perform a "Crawl of Death." So fans made a giant pit and got on their knees and instead of charging each other, crawled toward each other. ETID was very considerate and didn't want anyone to get hurt. Tee hee! Then Anberlin's turn. Anberlin won the extra 10 minutes and got to play us a couple of extra songs. I've seen Anberlin before and I remember how great Stephen was. This time wasn't as good as the first time, but I still enjoyed their set. I had a bunch of cool dudes around me punching crowd surfers along with me and yelling and screaming. However, not all was gravy. These two stubborn ass girls kept throwing elbows at us because they didn't like moshing. Awwww...so you go to a rock concert and expect everyone to sip their tea and sit and enjoy the show. Hell no. One of the girls asked me to stop and to back up or else she was going to do something. I explained that everyone is jam packed and that it would be impossible for me to push about 50 rows of bodies even if I wanted to. She gave me a dirty little face but when the other guys I was moshing with started making fun of her she quickly turned back. But if she would have given me one more piece of attitude or one more elbow, I would have have to knocked her fat ass and her skinny girl friend the fuck out. "Oh no, punch girls Min?" Yes, yes I would. I don't look at girls as an inferior gender, but I do understand they are sometimes disadvantaged because of society and I always try to help them. I respect women very much mostly because of how wonderful and hard working my Mom is. Women sacrifice more than men do I think. I want to treat my Mom and my future wife like the most important things on Earth. Probably because they are to me. But when someone is that ignorant and egotistical about a concert, they deserve a Min Lee beat down to the face. And I ain't scared to supply one. They managed to keep their cool and no blood was shed during Anberlin.
Say Anything was next...oh wait, they didn't play at all, haha. Max Bemis was too sick and weren't able to play. I hear that he has missed a couple of shows now. I hear they didn't play the Chicago date but they got a very special treat. Other people filled in for Max. I know Anberlin, and Every Time I Die came and sang for Max. How come they didn't do this for Minnesota?! That would have been soooooo awesome to see. But ya, no Say Anything. What a damn shame. I wouldn't have even known if it wasn't for Anberlin letting us know since they were back to back.
Anberlin and Color Fred said that the Minnesota show was the best crowd they have had so far. I wonder if bands just say that to feed the audience or if they actually mean it? Meh.
So then we waited for Angels and Airwaves. I was pretty excited to see these guys 'cause I thought their music seemed pretty atmospheric. Well, I was dissapointed and I don't expect myself to be going to any AVA shows soon. I just couldn't get into it. Maybe it was the people around me because we were kind of in a shitty spot where people don't really jump around and stuff. The only fun I had at AVA was making fun of Tom with Dean. I think AVA was the only band to fail me at Warped and Dean had warned me before their set. But I think AVA probably had the largest crowd of this year's Warped. Some fans even brought home made AVA flags they waved around.
Next was OreskaBAND. A Japanese girl ska band. They were freakin awesome too! And I don't even listen to ska. They seemed to have a lot of fun and they seemed like very fun people. Some british hardcore band played before them, on the sister stage, and for their mic check they mocked the growls the screamer was making. They were pretty good at English too. The music was uber loud because we were right next to the speakers. Glad we had to leave early or else my ears would have hurt a lot more.
We left early because Story of the Year was playing at the main stage. First time seeing these guys and I loved it! I was never really super into them, but I thought their first CD was pretty good, their second CD was eh, but I really like The Black Swan. They are a really good live show though. They get the crowd involved and their guitars are so damn good it could get anyone moshing. My favorite song they played was "'Is This My Fate', He Asked Them." That song had me going nuts and was almost worth the price of admission it self. SOTY has taken a lot of bashing because of how bad their second CD was, but I think they are back now. I think people didn't like it because Page Avenue was a lot more poppy and they went very heavy afterwards. They might not have Page success, but I think people will enjoy their music. Plus they are on Epitaph, people on that label to pretty well.
After Story of the Year we skipped over to the sister main stage to watch home town heroes Motion City Soundtrack. They were good, of course. We started out with poor position because we didn't have time to set up a camp since we were watching SOTY but we managed to push our way to a good spot. When I saw we, I mean Jon and myself because we lost Dean in the mess. And we aren't marines so we left him behind haha. No worries, Dean will do his thing. During the chaos a large group of the crowd fell over and MCS stopped playing and waited for everyone to get back up. Second time I have ever seen something like that happen the first one being during My Chemical Romance at a previous Warped. This was when MCR was picking up crazy steam with Helena and such songs. It was so intense that Dawson passed out during that set. Motion City had a very good show. There was only one song I didn't know because I don't really like their new CD that much. The funniest part of the whole Warped might have been after MCS finished. If you go to enough rock shows you will see the "defender boyfriend" or "defender male." This class of mosher are very annoying. What they do is set up a barrier for their girl friends or a girl friend or sister or some one with their elbows and just elbow the people around them so no one touches their girl. This is not because they are worried some guy might get his feel on, but rather so they can breath and not get smoshed in the chaos. Remember, our big ol' friend Dawson passed out during MCR, think about what a crazy crowd can do to a skinny little girl. But of course the elbows are very inconvenient for the other around him. Well, this specific defender male had more after the set. The couple needed to get out and the crowd was moving a little to slow for their taste so instead of asking people to move, the guy decides he wants to stiff arm people. Jon catches one of his stiff arms and we look at each other like, "what the fuck is this guy doing?" Jon says, "watch this," and follows the guy around but does it backwards so all the guy sees is Jon's back. And in a crowd, a back is a back, there is no way of telling if you've seen that back before. Jon doesn't just follow them, but grinds the couple with his back and the guy continues ti give Jon's back the stiff arm sporadically as he tries to stiff arm others while he keeps on arm on his girl. Funny stuff. I wish the guy would have gotten mad and thrown a punch at Jon so we could have beat his face in. The beat his girl up, haha, only KIDDING!
Now for the worst part of my Warped Tour 2008. So, remember how the first half of the day had gaps between most of the acts. Well the second half was uber crazy. I didn't know we had a back to back to back on our hands and Jon and I just sat by the balloon waiting for Dean. So while we are waiting, The Devil Wears Prada is playing at the Hurley stage. This pissed me the fuck off because TDWP was the band I was most looking forward to see. We missed a lot of their set but while I was there I rocked the fuck out. I would have made anyone proud. I was in the circle pit for this one fore sure. When I'm in a circle pit I don't really interact with the other circlers like most do. Rather I just stake a spot and do my really strange moves that go along with the music. Air drum, rock infused pop and locks, strange hang gestures, threatening movements, too much grabbing of my shirt and belt, too much slapping of my belt buckle. TDWP is sick live, period. In the circle pit I got blasted pretty hard by someone and Jon told me later that it might have been him, haha. Like I said, I'm not one to move from end to end looking for targets. I'm more of a pinball type. Jon pretty much sent me from one side of the pit to the other. I think for a while I was doing a pac-man with my hands. Sometimes I don't even remember some of the shit I do because I honestly feel like I'm in a trance. The music dictates what I do and how I move. Sounds strange but it's true. I'm pretty passionate about my music, which I've been question lately. This is a topic I've been meaning to blog about and I probably will tomorrow since I just reminded myself. But the next TDWP show that comes through Minnesota is a must for me since I missed some of their songs. Who's down?!
Next was The Academy Is.... I didn't go into the pit for this one since I was sooooo depressed I missed some of The Devil Wears Prada's set. But The Academy Is... is amazing live. I saw them way back but I didn't really listen to them so I didn't pay much attention. Bill Beckett is an amazing singer. He sounded pretty much flawless except for a few voice cracks towards the end of he set when his voice must have felt a little weaker. Plus he played a few new songs that which might have something to do with it. But they are amazing live. Go see them. I like their music and I told Dean the night before Warped, "These guys should be sweet," but I didn't expect a blow away performance by them. But they blew me away and I am really pumped for this new CD of theirs coming out soon. If TAI comes with some good acts in the fall, I want to go see them again. They are a pop-rock act and that isn't always my favorite show since it's usually a bunch of little girls who sit there to admire Bill Becketts v-neck shirts and skinny jeans. Along with his high cheek bones. I'd go to admire his performance. If you like pop-rock, go see these guys. The only good Ramen band...well, Paramore too, haha.
Last band we watched was Sky Eats Airplane. An upcoming metal act. We don't know much about them but wanted to check them out. They are deece. TAI pretty much was our closer.
This Warped probably had the most interaction with other people. We took a picture with long time Warped and concert hero, "Gigantor," and another legend we discovered during the Oath show last fall. This dude always wears a cow outfit and during ETID at the Oath show they stopped playing cause Keith saw him in the circle pit and made him do a dance. I hope to get these pictures up soon. Oh, we also ran into Jeff Blanchard and his friends. Nice friends he has. But maybe it's just Warped atmosphere. I don't think we had any band interaction this year. Last year I think I ran into Amber Pacific, Underoath, and most importantly Meg&Dia haha. That's when we got engaged.
I was bummed we couldn't see more OreskaBAND. I think there might have been another act I wanted to see a little of. I was super bummed I missed some of TDWP. Katy Perry was overlapped with like Motion City so she mos def got the bump. But I wanted to see the number one artist out right now on Warped. I don't think I'll be able to say that again. Maybe next year Justin Timberlake will be on Warped.
Even while leaving I had fun. I just kept talking to people on the way out and just yelled at people, "See you next year" and random things. And I got a couple of air high fives. On the way home we stopped by Taco Bell and got some grubski and drinks. We didn't want to leave because we were kind of drained but eventually forced our selves up and out. We sat around Jon's for a bit and then Dean rolled out since he had to work Monday morning. Poor guy. Usually we sleep at Jon's but I had to drop Dick off somewhere so I went home. But post-Warped Monday was still a success. Glad Warped wasn't as hot as today.
And that was my Warped Tour 2008. Like I said, don't consider your self a fan of rock until you've been to one of these. No excuses. "I had to work every year" is not a valid excuse. Quit your damn job, it's that great. I said that when I worked at Old Navy and if they didn't give me Warped Tour off, I would have quit on the spot. It's that important to me. If people have time to go to We Fest, you have time to go to Warped. Fuck a We Fest. People don't even go to We Fest for the music. Why don't you just go to a park and get drunk or something. I don't get why you go to a music festival to get drunk. Doesn't make much sense to me. That's something else I wanted to blog about.
This year I only went with Jon and Dean and I think that is the perfect way to enjoy my Warped Tour. We met up with a couple of friends, but didn't really mosh with them. Honestly, I don't think they would have been able to keep up anywho. But spending Warped Weekend with Dean and Jon is the only way to go. I'm not even going to invite other people next year. Others are just distractions. When I first started going to concerts, I thought the people I went with were just extra baggage. Then eventually I started enjoyed moshing with Jon 'cause he knew how to keep up and he doesn't complain about a crowd surfer kicking up or other people doing stuff and Jon actually knew the music. Plus his stories weren't complete bull shit like other make up. Then I started going to concerts with Dean and I learned I enjoyed concerts more with him. He doesn't complain, loves music, and doesn't make up fake stories to share after concerts. Plus, he never makes up dumb excuses. If Dean can get work off, drive one hour from Rochester or 4 hours from North Dakota to make concerts, the other people around here that miss events are just dumb. Plus he drives back and works on Mondays after Warped. I love that dude because I know he is there unless he absolutely can't make it. Like I am visiting my Mom is China. That's borderline (ha), but a pretty good excuse. So after this Warped, I started thinking why do I always try and organize large groups for concerts? I can just go with Jon and Dean and rock out even harder with out having to worry if other people are passing out or crying or scared or what ever. Look...I'm not knocking on anyone, I'm just saying Dean and Jon are my fucking boys. I remember coming home from the Taking Back Sunday, Underoath, and Armor for Sleep concert and feeling triumphant as ever. Why? Because I ended that show next to my boys Jon and Dean. I couldn't scripted it better. We shed the people who couldn't keep up and ended an epic show in an epic fashion. I mean Dean pissed his pants a little. That's epic. Next year might be my last Warped for a while since I might go to Korea for a year and I want that one to be perfect. So I am hoping Jon and Dean will be there. I don't like to use to L-bomb but I think I'll drop one here. I fucking love Jon and Dean. It's been a while since I've felt comfortable saying that I love my friends. Not because I'm a dude, but because I wasn't sure if I meant it. I know I'm a stubborn, some times selfish, and sometimes too proud, and I live and think life should lived in weird "honorable" ways. Because of my weird mind sets, I often get mad at my friends because things don't work out the way I hoped. But do know that I am forever loyal, I am forever loving, and I do care (too much), that is why I get upset. I think Jon and Dean understand that part about me when other only see the pride, the stubbornness, and the gumpy Min. Once you can finally understand me, you understand why I act the way I do. I don't mean to sound like a cocky prick, but if everyone had a best friend like me, you wouldn't ever feel lonely or stranded. I'm the type of dude that will follow a friend into battle for any reason. Easy to say, but I think I've proven this. I saw this understanding that maybe in a month I will be upset with this thing we call relationships and friends but as of right now, I love all my friends. Shit, I might actually like Cory Johnson and Laura Hoffman...no, actually I don't, haha. That's the first time I've said Laura Hoffman in a long, long time. She is gay. But thank you Dean and Jon for making Warped Tour so special to me and helping my year better and for making me enjoy people again. Everyone, let's hang out. Min is a good person right now. I am loving things. Ace Enders would be proud. Love is back, at least in my life.
Everyone should love. Warped tour is my platform.
Anything that happens in life, or questions about life that I can think of. Please feel free to comment on any of the topics I bring up. I enjoy reading other perspectives. Now stop reading the header you loser.
Monday, August 4, 2008
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