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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

"Batman vs. Superman" Review

I went into Batman vs. Superman with low expectations, and although I am attempting to compensate for setting the bar so low, it might still have something to do with why I give the film an above average mark. It also could be that I have been on a streak of average or slightly below average movies (Deadpool, 10 Cloverfield Lane, etc). It goes without saying, cause what sort of jerk catches a pre-screening and ruins the movie for everyone, but there will be no spoilers here. There is a Star Wars like turn in the movie, and I will do my best to distance myself from any clues.

If you've talked to me about Batman vs. Superman over the last month you know that I am not pleased with how they have been promoting this movie. It feels like I've been watching trailers for this movie for years, and then after the makers of the movie exposed their entire hand, they had nothing to show leading up to the actual release date. This Batman vs. Superman team should look to Marvel and take notes. The way Marvel slowly gave us bits of Civil War and then dropped Spiderman on us recently was perfect. Now they only need to give us one more reminder that Spiderman is in the film 2 weeks before the actual release date and excitement will be a fever pitch. I've been complaining for the last month that I've already seen the entire Batman vs. Superman film due to the trailers, and I wasn't entirely wrong. We should not have seen Doomsday and Wonder Woman before entering the movie.

From the trailers, I thought I was going to hate Jesse Eisenberg's performance. I don't know much about the character of Lex Luthor, but I did not despise Eisenberg's portrayal of Luthor. It still did feel a bit rigid and forced at times, but it worked for the most part. Where I was unsure of Eisenberg, many were against Ben Affleck as Batman. I think most fans are having a difficult time detaching themselves from the Christian Bale Batman. I, however, was not a doubter of Affleck. He's coming off a string of successful movies, and I felt like he was at the top of his game again. We have to forgive him for Daredevil and Gigli at some point. Plus, I will always have a soft spot for Affleck because of Good Will Hunting.

This is the most Zack Snyder film since 2009's Watchmen. I've never doubted Snyder's artistic ability, but his stories aren't always air-tight and can drag. Batman vs. Superman suffers from exactly this. My film theory is a bit rusty, but If my memory serves me right, I remember really embracing Dziga Vertov's "Kino Eye Theory". It's the theory that cinema can see and express more than the human eye can capture. This is why I'm generally not a fan of the recent James Bond films because you can't see a damn thing. The cuts are too quick and the camera is too shaky. However, facets of Kino Eye is what Snyder does great in a lot of his films, and Batman vs. Superman pulls this off to a certain extent. With the musical help of Hans Zimmer and Junkie XL, Snyder's ability to use slow motion and close-ups doesn't slow down the film, but rather makes the movie swell with detail and anticipation.

While I think fans of the superhero genre will enjoy the film, and serious movie watchers won't be totally disappointed, the movie does have its shortcomings. It has spans of exposition and I-don't-care moments, so it's hard to justify the 152 minute runtime. I guess we have to factor in that they were burdened with the duty of setting up the Justice League movie. DC is clearly playing catch up to Marvel's well established franchises and Avengers movies. Not only that, but if you were following the production of this film, you know they ran into snags and that their budget was quickly swelling and on pace to become to most expensive movie ever (suck on that, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides).  On top of that, although I give Snyder credit for long shots and actually allowing us to see all the action, a lot of the choreography is slow and clumsy. There were also moments I felt like this movie was made for children. The action, especially with Superman, gets so ridiculous at times I thought I was watching Japanese anime. There is a reason I enjoyed Dragon Ball Z in the 7th grade, but could never re-visit it as an adult. It's a strange dichotomy considering Snyder is taking this franchise down a darker path than what Marvel is doing. If rumors are true, and I hope they are, we will get a rated R version when the Blu-Ray comes out. You could tell Snyder really wanted some CG blood and a sex scene, but you can't have a rated R movie pushing 410 million dollars in budget.

So did I love the movie? No. But did I enjoy it enough? Yes. It's a silly movie, but there are still some cool things being discussed, like ethics and Lex Luthor discussing the logic of god. I do think nerds will like it, and the set up for Justice League even got me excited. The movie also made me want to check out Wonder Woman. With all this in mind, I think I enjoyed (this superhero's) monologue at the end the most. Mostly because of the tragic events that happened in Brussels yesterday. You'll see what I mean when you go watch the movie.

Oh! And don't wait around like Marvel movies. There is no teaser after the credits. At least there wasn't one at my special pre-screening.