Anything that happens in life, or questions about life that I can think of. Please feel free to comment on any of the topics I bring up. I enjoy reading other perspectives. Now stop reading the header you loser.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

To Much At Once

I just got done with the second of my three classes today and still not to much homework. I have a bunch reading in two my classes already but that shouldn't be to bad. I have hour gaps between each of my three classes on Mon, Wed and Fri so I should be able to use these breaks to blog regularly which is going to be nice since my blogging over the summer was very random. I wish I would have blogged during the last few weeks of my summer break because so much happened in a very short and I didn't have a second to spare. I got to hang out with the people most important to me everyday so I consider every moment of the last two weeks or so time well spent. I think there was a stretch in there where we slept over at Jon's house for 4 days consecutively. Remember in my previous blog where I mentioned that challenge Jon and I set for our selves? Well we failed horribly, I think I lost a consistent 2 pounds. I say consistent because your weight fluctuates so easily depending on what you eat and what you are wearing. There was a time within those last two weeks where Jon and I went to the Mall Of America two days in a row, once because we wanted to go to the Mall and once because we went to Ikea the day after so we stopped by the Mall. And then there was a bunch of random stuff like golfing, basketball, Perkins, Ben sleeping over, blah blah blah. Oh, and the official Melrose move in date. I moved a couple of my items in and we had the bros over and slept there for a night but then we went back to the neighborhood because we had things to do. Jon's last night before Duluth was an emotional one. I thought I wouldn't cry but when Jon gave me his goodbye hug I couldn't find it in myself to let go and I tried harder and harder to let go but I just kept holding on and the thought of letting go made me cry. Why are good byes so hard? Ever since that night I've been on an emotional roller coaster, if this is what PMS feels like I feel bad for you ladies.

I am now fully moved into Melrose and so far its been a good experience. Everyone gets along, everyone is respectful, there is enough food to get by on and the apartment stays clean for the most part. Well, it stays clean because of me because I am a neat freak and kind of a control freak. It is a good thing the dudes are a little more laid back then me. It bothers we when things are just thrown around and things aren't strait, it bothers me when there are crumbs all over the place, it bothers me when things are dirty so I have to clean it. It sucks that I've had to clean the dishes all but one time (Thanks Dean), it sucks that I've taken out the trash all but like 2 times (Thanks Dean), it sucks that I have to pick things up, fold things and wipe things down, but it just comes with the territory. Last night the garbage lid wouldn't close because it was so full, but I bet you the person who filled it passed its brim didn't even think about taking the trash out. I just don't get how people could ignore something like that. A couple of times our sink has been full with dirty dishes and I know it would sit until I cleaned them. A couple of times I left the dishes in the sink and I left the trash full to see if anyone would want to take care of them, but no one did so I fixed it. I'm not really blaming my room mates, but it kind if sucks that I'm like this neat freak and I have to put all this energy into maintaining a clean apartment when I live with three other dudes. I wonder if girls are this messy? It makes me really appreciate living with parents who likes things clean and neat. I really miss the security of my Mom. I went home last night and I gave my Mom a big hug. Its only been 5 days and I miss her like crazy. I'll probably end up living at home until I'm like 45 haha. I miss my annoying little brother too haha. I'm trying to teach myself how to sleep with ear plugs because our room is very noisy. The air conditioning at Melrose is very noisy and so when people watch TV they always have the volume way up and since the TV volume is way up people have to speak over the TV so everything just gets louder and louder. And Mitch always does his laundry when I hop in bed haha. And last night Mitch just got himself a laptop and I could hear the music he was playing from his room since there is a vent that just runs through three rooms one being my bedroom. I've been going with the one ear plug technique and just smashing my other ear against my pillow so that when I roll over in my sleep I will have an ear exposed to collect the awful noise that my cell phone makes to wake me up. I am going to experiment with two plugs this weekend to see how that goes, since I don't want to miss my alarm just because I have ear plugs in. Actually, this morning the ear plug wasn't in my ear and it was no where to be I might need to invest in more plugs.
Anywho, time for my Monsters, Cyborgs and Robots class...I think thats what its called.

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