As if it were being chased by a bunch of religious extremists, Red State wastes no time getting started, and so I will do the same. After two quick title screens the movie introduces the setting and a character. Along with the abrupt start, the first few lines of dialogue are a bit awkward and poorly delivered which creates a bad tone to start the movie. The audience also learns with haste that this movie is not going to be shy, as we immediately see the Westboro want-to-bes on screen with their hateful signs. Many Kevin Smith fans were hoping for a comeback film, and I think to a degree Smith delivers this. The film is often categorized as a horror film and therefore is not the greatest platform for Smith’s humor to come through, but the film isn’t without any laughs.
The trailer doesn’t exactly give a lot of details about the movie, but it gives you the general idea. To be fair, I can’t really think of a trailer that would be completely fitting for this movie. However, anyone who follows the news and has heard about the Westboro Baptist Church can put the pieces together. Westboro Baptist Church is mentioned in the film, but the movie revolves around a church similar to Westboro that is just as extreme. The movie introduces three high school friends who are sexually curious. The trio uses the Internet to seek sexual services where they find someone who lives nearby and wants to meet them. One of the boys borrows a car one night and the three of them drive out to the country side to meet their mystery partner. The mystery partner happens to be a lure set up by the extreme church and chaos follows. The focus then turns to the church and their mission to clean the world of evil and their desire to earn a seat in heaven.
The movie carries many social undertones, religion being at the forefront. Religious extremism and blind faith are the main topics being discussed, but the movie takes a look at law enforcement and public relations as well. A more distant discussion might be the discussion on gun control.
This movie is not for everyone because of the topic being discussed, but it also isn’t for everyone because it’s not a film that offers a whole lot in terms of what the general movie audience seeks. Movies watchers these days expect to see robots from outer-space, beautiful women, and lots of explosions. Red State is a good movie that brings up very important and relevant topics, but I can’t suggest it to everyone. The movie may start off on a strange beat, but the movie closes with a great Kevin Smith touch, which left a good taste despite how grimy the movie is.
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