Anything that happens in life, or questions about life that I can think of. Please feel free to comment on any of the topics I bring up. I enjoy reading other perspectives. Now stop reading the header you loser.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Get The Funk Out My Ear Drum

Need to wait a hour before my bus come arrives at the Coffman bus stop.
I am writing this blog on a Mac and it is weird. How come Mac mouses don't have a right and left click and at scroll? Steve Jobs needs to think. Good work on the iPod though I guess...if only they didn't give so many people troubles.

Even though I don't really know a lot about or care about U.S History or politics, I am finding my U.S History class pretty interesting. Plus the one of the professors is really good at lecturing unlike my new Korean teacher who is kind of blow ass. I don't find the class interesting because I like hearing about KKK lynching blacks or about Teddy R's hypocritical ideas, but I like learning about how people went about things in the past and then applying them to life today. I once heard a quote that I don't remember word for word, but the basic message was that if we ignore history and historical lessons, we are doomed to repeat mans mistakes. I think the quote is very true. Mistakes in retrospect are so easy to point out and see, but it doesn't seem like people actually learn from them. People tend to think of themselves as perfect, and I think that forces them to think that they are immune to mistakes. I compare the time of reconstruction, the gilded age, the progressive era and the time right before WWI (The period we have studied so far) to how we are living now and I don't see much of a difference. People look back and think we have evolved and grown so much but I don't think so. The country was split north and south back then. How are we so different with the nation being split Democratic and Republican or Liberal and Conservative? Maybe I wasn't old enough to appreciate the Clinton days, but ever since Bush has been in office it seems like the gap between the two groups have grown. People fought for racial equality back then. Anyone who says races are treated equally today is completely wrong. I do think it is better, but to say equal would just be stupid. Women fought for right then and still are. I don't know any of Hilary's positions but I think that'd be awesome if she got some power. People fought for better wages and hours. People today are still toiling and not getting paid well. Capitalism still lives. Our work conditions are better and officials aren't allowed to freely physically abuse us which is nice. Sanitation is better and food is monitored and handled with care, but even though we got rid have a grip on germs, now we have a new problem of radio waves and radiation, so health safety really isn't that much better. I don't know, maybe I like to bitch a lot, but sometimes it feels like the "system" we live in is rigged for some to fail and others to succeed. Sometimes it feels like I don't have control over my own fate. On a lighter note, in my history discussion we were discussing the Espionage Act and this girl didn't know how to read it and the attempt was funny as hell. Thats a pretty stupid story now that I have it written out. Its better in person, trust me.
The other day I was taking a shit and I saw an ant walking across my bathroom floor. At first I was like fucking ant and I was going to smash it, but then I thought about things and I couldn't kill it. I don't exactly remember the reasoning behind it, but it had to do with me comparing historical lessons. Then I was like, shit, I'll just toss it outside, but I found another parallel and I couldn't remove it either. Hopefully it killed it self though. Stupid ants.
I thought of the whole majority rules system and its kind of stupid. What if a majority of people are wrong. That sucks for the minority that is right. Who is to say that because more then 50% of the people think its right, its right? I don't trust most of the people I meet, and I don't want them deciding whats best for me. I bet a majority of casual N.B.A fans a few years ago would have said that Vince Carter is the best basketball player in the league during the Vinsanity hysteria. But any smart basketball player knew that he wasn't even close. So a majority or the people say he is the next M.J so that must be true right? I bet those people wouldn't say that now. They would probably say Lebron James, stupid bandwagon jumping fucks.
Along with trusting the majority, I've been thinking how can you trust people that are suppose to help you? Like teachers, counselors, doctors, etc. Barnett had to meet his advisor the other day and when Joe walked into his office the advisor shook Joe's hand and told him that it was nice to finally meet him even though they had met at least twice before. I always got the same feeling with my advisor so I never asked her for any help. She doesn't give a fuck about me or my future or if I am on track. I don't think people should just accept the fact these people are helpers and they will look after me. People are known to lie, read the bible or something really old and I bet it has people lying in it. I hate going to the doctors because of this. How the hell do I know that the drug he gives me is actually helping me? The short-term affects may look and feel good (Oh, my cough is gone!) but who knows if 20 years down the line he fucked up how your heart beats. How do I know the FDA or whatever really cares enough about me to stop me from taking a drug that has more cons then pros? I think we trust, because we want an answer right away. If we are answerless, we feel empty and stupid so we will take any piece if information to fill that void. We need that hope. We are scared to be alone.
The other day I was walking to class and I got super light headed and disoriented. It felt like there was an earthquake going on. I lost track of everything and I had to focus all my energy to staying on my feet. It was the worst feeling ever. Not having control over myself and my actions. I think of this and I wonder why anyone would ever want to me intoxicated. Is it really that fun not knowing what is going on? I think being aware of my surroundings and having the power to make my own choices is very important. Not having the ability to defend myself and losing the ablility to do simple tasks for a night of drunkenness seems pretty stupid. Maybe I'm wrong, the majority of the people would object.
Before the second semester started, I had a little phase were I was obsessed with eyes. Eyes, like dreams, say so much about someone I think. It seems like the only door to someones personality and heart. You can start constructing someones personality by just look deep into their eyes. Maybe its bad to sterotype people but I think it works.

Anywho, sucks that I have to end so abruptly on a cool topic but I must go catch bus 652.

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