Thursday, March 17, 2016

Encryption: The F.B.I vs. Apple

Lunch + Last Week Tonight With John Oliver. It's a great combo until you're taking a sip of your drink and Mr. Oliver drops a funny line.

Encryption is a concept that's been in the public light lately due to the F.B.I vs. Apple debate. I saw a lot of people post and share Apple's defense of their position when it was released. It was almost as if the F.B.I was completely out-of-bounds in this case. I, however, saw nuance in this discussion.

I can see why so many people voiced their support for Apple. The tech giant is much sexier than the F.B.I and viewed favorably. Aside from style, there is substance to support Apple too. If someone held a gun up to my head and forced me to completely side with Apple or the F.B.I, I, too, would assemble on the Apple side of the debate. But this is not that easy. The conversation about security vs. privacy is a long and ongoing talk. I'm positive that the same people that swiftly and firmly sided with Apple would be equally outraged, at Apple, if a follow up incident occurred that the F.B.I could have prevented with encrypted information. You can't have both absolute freedom and absolute security.