Finally got around to watching this. I am so glad people are getting excited about Last Week Tonight with John Oliver.
•I hope when we are all dead and gone, and some future civilization tries to piece together what kind of species we were, that they will find the clip of msnbc cutting away from a congresswoman to cover Justin Bieber. I also hope they have the context of Justin Bieber before they do. I foresee, at that point, them picking up all their gear and saying, "Let's get the fuck out of here! These idiots clearly deserved to die!"
•I think Oliver might've been harder on Snowden than most journalist. If journalists need a distancing tool like comedy to be tough, then all our journalists should be comedians.
•How sobering it must've been for Snowden to see that people only wanted to engage in a conversation about the NSA and surveillance when it came to dick pics. And how aware of Oliver to understand that we are all idiots.