Wednesday, April 1, 2015

It's Finally Time To Explain Why I Never Have A Girlfriend

I always get asked, "Min, how come out never have a girlfriend?" and I'm not quite sure why I always get asked that. Is there a sign on my back that reads, "I Don't Have A Girlfriend", or, "I Really Need A Girlfriend". For the longest time it was a question I sort of side stepped, and I think it's finally time to address that question honestly.
To start off, we should take a look at another question I am often asked, "Why are you so vocal about the rights of gays and lesbians?" Well, for one thing, homosexuals are human beings and deserve to have equal rights. But there is another side to this question I have kept buried deep in my closet -- and that statement right there might have already tipped you off. We have come a long way when accepting gay people, but I'm afraid we aren't fully there yet when treating them equally and some of us are bit more insecure about that topic.
You probably know where this blog is going and I don't need to drag it out much further. Sometimes a well constructed song can explain things much better, so I check out the song below:

April Fools' Day.
The question of why I never have a girlfriend is seriously a question I get all the time, which probably made this more believable. I don't have to live with the fear of coming out, and I hardly have to hide anything ever. So, when I hear people have to hide who they really are it breaks my heart. You deserve to be yourself, and you deserve to be loved.

My Interview With Nico & Vinz

I didn't know a whole lot about NICO & VINZ before this interview, but the more I listened to their music and looked into them, the more fascinated I was. I love cultures and talking about things I don't know much about, and seeing that Nico & Vinz are from Norway caught my curiosity. I knew I had to ask them a bit about that, but we also talk about their music and how diverse their sound is, and we talked about what is coming up for Nico & Vinz. This is my full interview with Vinz.