I love story telling.
I don't necessarily mean me telling stories. I'm a decent story teller at best, but I love the idea of "story telling". This concept of just being silent and having this composer take you down this path, have you see things that they want you to see, and have you feel things they want you to feel. It's a really big, generous, and abstract concept. You can captivate, entertain, and educate people with just this one thread.
I've been really making an attempt to just shut up and listen to other people more. Trying to widen my views and find inspiration through others. I'm the sort of person that's always swimming in my own mind and thoughts, but even more so these last few months. However, what I want right now is for other people to tell me stories. However big, and however small. I want to know how buying a toothbrush was a scientific endeavor for you the other night because of the diversity of toothbrushes. I want scientists to teach me about the Higgs boson.
I've been trying this new thing where I try to grab coffee with someone I haven't seen for a very long time at least once a week. Catch up, listen to their story, and just chat. It's been very rewarding and very refreshing. In fact, I just had a very nice conversation with a pal earlier today. I'm also that nerd that loves watching interviews. I don't remember how I ended up watching this (I fell into one of those YouTube spirals), but I loved what Chris Evans had to say. "Brain noise". I so badly want to shut off my brain noise sometimes. More often than not, I drag myself down with my thoughts. So, just tell yourself "shush", and, as Evans added, push yourself into what seems scary. It all made a lot of sense to me.