The title has nothing to do with this blog and that should be a strong indicator that this blog is going to be a little coo-coo. Words like coo-coo being used should also be a sign for you to stay very far away. Anywho, I've been super super busy lately but I have like 10 more minutes to kill before my next class. I'm either super uber duber (what?) busy or else I have like 30 minutes where I have nothing to do. Why can't I just collect all those 30 minutes of nothing and create like an extra day? I'd call the day "Fusion" and place it before Tuesday just because my mind is telling me to do it that way. Also because come the end of Monday, I'll be having a day off. While all you normal people go to school/work on Tuesday while I enjoy Fusion. Then if this were real life, I'd meet up with you guys on Wednesday. Which means I pretty much skipped Tuesday, but I didn't, because I was enjoying Fusion. Jerks.
Actually, the title does have a little significance. I need to buy a tiny boat load (Like a canoe) of Sony brand DV tapes. They are for my advanced video production class and I need a bunch of 'em. That class surely knows how to bust a few balls when it comes to scheduling and time. I find myself uber busy out side of class because of it, but it is a class I really do enjoy. It actually doesn't feel like a class to me. Just learning and experiencing and most of the time enjoying. I really do hope my career path does lead this way. I think I need to start hitting up the U of M's Comm department a little more. I want to be able to production without having to suffer the starving artist life. I need stability. I plan on having a family and living comfortably. That's why I'm going to a huge university, right? Who knows though, it's better not to fret about it. (Fret, like a guitar fret, hehe).
Anywho, I'm dipping.