Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Zombie Dream Chapter 12

We are really close to finishing the new house and everyone is getting pretty excited to see it. I am planning out how we are going to get everyone to the site. I have this idea where we clear out a path on the other side of the big hill where people can walk. The walk will be a little bit longer but at least the terrain won't be so harsh. If we go through with this plan we need to practice and make sure no one messes up. One slip could mean disaster. We were on one of the news stations today. It was a Dawson interview and we all found his answers to be very funny since he gave these really political, scientific and bull shit professional answers. I found it funny but I wasn't able to physically laugh for some odd reason. I go and work out later and after we have a "Hood Killers" dinner but we also invite Tom's old team. They have made a new level 2 team and didn't want to be level 1 to show respect for Tom. Everyone is joking and the happy atmosphere makes me feel lighter but I just sit back and watch everyone goof around. I cut all the noise in the room off and I just look at everyone at the dinner table. Everyone has grown up so much but they still look and act young. Dick is maybe 6 feet tall and he looks like he could kick my ass now. Maybe he has been working out more then me. Maybe its time to take him out on more missions, he probably is ready. Jon is still Jon but has matured a lot and has kind of grown into a leadership role. Jon has been going out with the cute little blonde from way back for a long time. I wonder if things are getting serious between the two. I wonder if she is still a gold digging bitch or of she actually likes Jon now. Dean is still smaller then the rest of us but he is damn quick when out in action. He actually found him self a nice little girl friend. A small little Chinese girl who is super out going and nice. They almost seems like the opposite of Dean but they seem very happy together. She even manages to lift my spirits when ever I get the chance to talk to her. She almost managed to make me laugh the other day. Jon and Dean are always hanging out together just like when we left our old home in Plymouth and Grand Forks. Deans girl and I like to make fun of Jon and Dawson's girl since they are kind of shady. Dawson and Mitch get along a lot better and they have grown close to their new team members. Dawson is still going out with the same chick as well. She has put on a lot of weight but Dawson still brags about how beautiful she is and I guess I don't really know her that well so I can't judge. I don't watch the news with Dawson much anymore since I am in my room planning things out or at the build site. Mitch is still Mitch. He doesn't have anyone new in his life but he seems to be happy. I've been with these guys forever and they seem to be happy during such a tough time in the history of man. Thats good. After dinner I walk up to my room and I go to sleep.

I brought Dick on a couple of more missions and I also take him along to patrol the site with me. He very effective but I still don't like putting him out where there are a lot of creatures. He has quickly been promoted to a level 2 team. I send him on a few missions with his new team alone but I try not to do it to much. I've given Dawson and Mitch's team a job to protect Dick's group. When ever Dick's team goes on missions, Dawson and Mitch's team goes with them. Mitch hates it and thinks I am forcing him to babysit Dick. Dawson accepts it and follows my request. Dick hates it and tells me that they just get in the way. We haven't lost any people since Tom and that is a great achievement because it has been a long while. I haven't seen my Mom and Dad for a long time and I think I should visit them next time I get a chance. I don't know what I would say to them. I introduced my plan to get everyone into the new house and it sounds like people agree with it. We will start practicing with everyone soon since we will be moving in soon.

The dream house is basically done and now we just need to get everything planned out and our strategy practiced before we move out. We went out the other and got a bunch of things that people could decorate their rooms with. Jon girlfriend was a little to excited. I wouldn't be surprised if Barbie wet her damn pants. We have been practicing how we are going to get everyone to the building a lot and it seems like people understand how this is going to work out. I showed them a bunch of pictures of the area so they could get an idea of what it might be like. I keep telling everyone that we can't afford any mistakes. I'm worried that my words are to harsh and that it scares people, but I just want everyone to be aware and ready. We made this rule where if someone trips or falls out of formation or something happens to them that everyone should keep moving because it would slow the whole line down if they stopped to help them. This made some people worried but Jon tells them they have nothing to worry about. Jon tells them that if someone trips that a level 1 or level 2 fighter will be able to help them and that everyone else should keep moving. Level 1 and 2 fighters will be roaming around and setting up a perimeter around the line of moving people. I look at Jon like "who the hell made all these ideas up?" but he keeps talking and I let him because it seems like it makes people feel better. I just hope they don't get careless.

We are on this mission with a few other teams to get some equipment to clear a clean path for people to walk on when we move into our new house in the next few days. It is a night mission and the place looks like hell but I guess what we need is in this one building so we are out to get it. Dick and his team are set up in different buildings to lend us support. My team moves into position and we get ready to run across this long street to get to the building. I look up at Dick and he is set up with his sniper rifle and I see Mitch and Dawson's team up there with him with rifles also ready to support us. We see some monsters roaming around in the street and Dean tosses a grenade at them to clear a path. When the explosion goes off we take off and shoot down what ever we can. I hear the support teams up in the buildings shooting down distant monsters while we handle to immediate threats. There are a bunch of things in the way and we split up to avoid them but quickly form into our defensive position. The three of us stand back to back and move together then split apart to get around things quick. I see this huge monster and I fire at him but my pistols seem to have no affect on him so our triangle rotates and now Jon faces the ogre and gives him a few blasts with his shotgun. It goes down a lot quicker. There are a bunch of crashed cars in the way and we slide over the hoods to get by them quicker. Dean slides over a hood and right before he gets to the other side a creature jumps out and quickly Dean stabs it in the head. Jon trips and I see a monster about to jump on him and I turn to help him but a creature jumps in front of my way and I shoot it to clear a path. As the monster I shoot drops the creature that was about to jump on Jon drops. I look around and wonder what happened to it then I look up at Dick and he gives us a thumbs up. We move in and out of the building with what we need and our way back to the car is a lot smoother. Looks like tomorrow we move into our new home.

Sye Green

Summer is just around the corner and I am itching for it to come. I am trying to stay focused so I can do well on my finals but my mind keeps wandering like I have A.D.D, haha please. But the other day I forgot to do my Korean homework and now I have to hand it in late. I'm super pumped for summer but other than Warped Tour I have no major plans. I'll need to find a job thats for sure but it is going to be tough since I don't have a car. It should still be nice to rest my mind and sit around and do nothing. A little change is needed right now. With my spare time I plan to write a lot of music, go to the library and read a bunch of books, and when ever I can make a couple of videos. I know fall semester will fall upon me in a blink of an eye so I don't want to over plan. Maybe if things work out, I can fit a road trip or something in there too. 2 more weeks until I get to relax and do what ever the hell I want.

If you still haven't, go check out the brand new The Used music video. It is fricken sweet! I wish they were coming to Minnesota for Warped Tour but they aren't. I once heard a that The Used played over 600 shows in 2 years. Now I'm no math major but if I did my elementary arithmetic right, thats pretty friggin amazing. They were really sweet when I saw them live but I had only gotten into them at the time and couldn't rock out with them. They are really loud.

My weekend was pretty eventful.
Friday started out the same then Jon picked me up and we went to the park to play some basketball. When we got there the old dudes crew were already there playing. I say old but don't I don't mean a bunch of grand daddies running around, they were just significantly older then us, but they did have a guy from Maple Grove class of 2001. One of their guys left early so I got to hop in before the rest of my crew played but after we played a couple of games and more of their guys cleared out we played my crew vs. their crew. We lost both games and it pissed me the fuck off because we shouldn't have lost and they were little shit talkers so that made me want to bring it to them even more. Sometimes I feel the "Kevin Garnett-syndrome" or "Kobe-syndrome" but I also put a lot of the blame on myself. I just wish sometimes my teammates were as passionate as I am. I wish there was more of a team attitude where if one guy makes fun of one person on our team, he is making fun of our whole team. That type of attitude is hard to find in the suburbs and it bothers me that when I play basketball and it is a bunch of individuals running around and not a team. Anywho, I know next time I play those old fucks I'm bringing my bows to chin mentality. I will not lose another fucking game to those fucks. And before we do I will beg my teammates to play their heart outs and think team and to do it for me. It would mean so much to me if I could shut those old fucks up. I got really ticked off when I called a foul and the guys that fouled me were calling my judgment soft when I've been getting hit my their old elbows all day without calling anything. I'll show them what physical basketball means next time I play them. I'll stop here because I feel my blood pressure rising thinking about it. After I walked around to cool off my crew played a few more games. After we got cleaned up we hopped over to Taco Bell and got us some tacos. Vince joined us and it was the first time I saw him since March 9th. Not that I obsess over him and I remember dates, but thats when we saw 300. After Taco Bell we went to Jon's and played some Melee. I miss playing that game for hours but it just seems like people aren't motivated to play that game anymore and its a damn shame. Hopefully this summer people will want to play it again, I like busting out the whooping stick.
After a very very long day at church on Saturday we went to the thrift store. We didn't find a lot of things but Andy scored a couple of articles. He got this really sweet girl belt that I would have gotten if I could fit it. I really wish I wasn't so fucking fat so I could buy some girl clothes cause they obviously have more selection then men do. After we sat around at Jon's house and waited for Peter to come over since we gave him a role in our movie but after it passed the deadline he gave us we went to go film without him. We filmed Gay'Mon 2: Gay'me On and it might turn out to be the best thing we ever made. Hopefully I can edit that soon. After filming we went over to Andy's house and had a fire and ate some burgers. We sat around and talked about a bunch of things and then Natalie's friends came over so we played cops and robbers, our crew vs. their crew. It was the first time we played night games in over 3 years and it was a lot of fun. We joked around about the time I snapped on Brian May when we played capture the flag. We caught the other crew really fast and when we were the robbers we won that. No thanks to me because I got caught right off the bat. I hid under a pine tree and after my arm got all theses rashes and swelled up. Do pine needles have like chemicals in them? Anywho, horrible idea. After we sat around the fire for a bit more and chatted the night away. When people took off we moved over to Jon's since we planned to sleep over there. We watched the raw Gay'mon footage and laughed our asses off. Then we popped in a movie I had for like 2 years but never watched called Hatchetman. I only caught a little bit of the movie but it was just ridiculous. A really good shitty movie. It wasn't enough to keep me awake though since all I saw were a bunch of strippers dancing, but I guess the plot thickens later. The plan was to hit up Perkins late night but I was to tired so only the others went.
The first half of Sunday was dedicated to computer work. My parents and I went out and did some computer shopping and we were going to drop my broken laptop off at the tech center of CompUSA but it was closed since they are going out of business. After I got home I sat around and watched some NBA playoffs. Steve Nash is soooo icky. I remember now how beautiful basketball can be when it is played by smart human beings and not by a bunch of inner city thugs. After the boys came over and we played some Fusion Frenzy. Then I went to Dean's to sleep over where I sat on the computer and did a bunch of HUB shopping since it will be gone during the summer. I tried to get a lot of sleep that night but Dean's roommate kept trying to wake me up to the Unsolved Mysteries theme and it was very very annoying. Look, if it doesn't work the first 8 times, stop, there is no need for a 9th and a 10th.

Will from my U.S history class is bugging me again. Everyday for the past 2-3 weeks he has asked me if I started my last paper and everyday I give him the same answer. Yes. It started out with, "yes, but its not good," and slowly I shortened it so he could remember it better. "Yes, it sucks," "Yes, its bad," Yes, bad," "Yes." Still the first thing he does when he sees me is ask me if I started my last paper. Why are big brute masculine men so dumb?

Here is something I've been wondering and something I kind of brought up at the camp fire on Saturday. Why am I and some of my other friends so bad with girls? Its not like I care all that much, honestly, but it bothers me that there is so much pressure when it comes to girls and it bothers me that I suck when it comes with girls. Only with girls I find attractive but still. Here is the story I shared with the group. Last week I saw this pretty hot lass reading in the corner of this building. So I walk over there and act like I actually have business over there and I ask her, "Is this Blegan Hall?" and she says, "yes" and I said "Thank you," and that was it. Really smooth right? I think so to.

Here is something I've been kind of wondering, what if Satan is really our savior and god is a actually the evil one? And before anyone gets angry at the question, let me ask you why you think its wrong? Because the bible said so? Well think about this, say in our last presidential election only Bush got to speak and Kerry wasn't allowed to say anything. Who do you think wins? Bush, duh. Well can't this be the same thing? God has a bible and we know what his argument is, but I never heard Satan's side, what if he is the one that is looking out for our best interest? I'm not saying I am going to run around praising the devil and I'm not asking people to do it either. I'm just saying, American people are not open minded and they are so quick to judge things off of the first thing they hear and it bothers me. So if anyone has the devils bible, please let me know because I want to hear both sides before I make my decision. Of course the book is going to be written by a Christian man and is going to be bias. Thank you all you stubborn fucks.
While I'm on the topic of religion, I was thinking, if I am agnostic does that mean I am forever ignorant? And not even just about religion, if you are to open minded does that just make you ignorant? I hope not because I try to stay as open minded as I can.

A couple of weeks ago in Jon's basement after we watched Donnie Darko Jon told me that his parents regret not raising Jon with a religion. I think that is a good thing. Now Jon's religious views are uninfluenced and he is like an embryo ready to soak in what he wants. He can choose his own path as long as he stays open minded. I thought about this because this is how I am politically. I never really cared about politics but as I get into philosophy and sociology I am learning more about politics. Politics can teach us a bunch of great lessons about life. I knew my values and they weren't made by politics and but rather life and it is cool to see where my values fall politically. I am finding that I am more and more liberal as I am learning more and more about politics. In my U.S history class we are in the 80's and we are learning about the conservative movement with Reagen and Bush senior and I just keep asking myself how can people think like this? They say women who protest and gay men are criminals? why!? There were a bunch of other things that came up that I don't agree with, and I want to know, what makes a conservative think like this? Like I say, I am open minded and I know my culture and I want to learn about right wing culture. The better you understand another culture, the better you understand yours. So please, enlighten me.