It doesn't mean anything to most.
If you are reading this, and you are in our Melee group, go back one blog and read that.
I'll be touching on a lot of random ideas I thought of over the week so be ready to jump around.
Last weekend Andy Christenson and I made a mission for ourselves--to crank out as many RPGs as we can as fast as we can. It won't be that fast because we only see each other on the weekends, but any time we have spare time, we will use it to drill RPGs. It should be interesting to see how far we get. We already beat Dirge of Cerberus a couple of weeks ago. Our next game to beat is Final Fantasy 7. We were trying to buy so we can play in on a T.V, but its so damn hard to find and so damn expensive we are going to have to play it on a computer. I think we are going to have to play Kingdom Hearts as we play FF7 since Dick's friend let us borrow it and I don't to hold it forever. After FF7 we are planning to play Final Fantasy 8, Final Fantasy 10, then Final Fantasy 12. After the Final Fantasy series, we are going to play the Metal Gear series. Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes on the Cube, Metal Gear Solid: Sons of Liberty on the PS2 or X-Box, Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater on the PS2. After that we are thinking maybe the Kingdom Heart games or Resident Evil games. If we play Resdient Evil we will play RE2 and RE4. Richard also suggested playing Star Ocean so we will probably play that towards the end. Another game we enjoyed in the past that we want to play is Legend of Dragoon for the Playstation, but its hard to find or else it was like $50 I think. If you care to share this mission with Andy, Dick and Me, let me know. It should be a very nerdish time. Andy also introduced me to a new term, LARP. Live Action Role Playing. You know like real hardcore nerds that play out the scenes they see in real life. Andy says he tries to avoid being a LARP but sometimes catches himself being one. I see no shame in being a LARP. Imagination and being free is a good thing. I got the back of all LARPsers.
Over spring break I ate a shit load. I don't think I was ever hungry. This week of eating so well has affected my diet. Now I don't feel like eating anything, but when I do eat, I can't stop. Peoples eating habits are so weird and sometimes hard to control. Eating takes a lot of self discipline. I watch what I eat and it kind of hurt watching me eat so damn much. I am out of that trap and I can control myself again. Its weird when you are taken out of your normal eating habits and daily routine. It throws you off. Let it never happen again. I hope to slowly build my body into something I can be happy with. Not happy like being sexy, but being fit and being able to run and just being comfortable. I don't think the human body was meant to be fat.
I am a really slow walker, but sometimes I think people are just fast walkers. People seem like the want to live life so fast. I like to watch slow and watch things as I pass.
I just got out my Korean class and I realized something that always happens to me when I watch a good movie. I always get SUPER hot. I start sweating but during the movie I never feel it. I get super hot and when the movie is over I always yawn. And I always get this feeling that I'm descending and I feel a little weak after the movies. Its like during the movie, I escape and I'm so caught up in it, I leave my body for a little while, but when the movie is over, I have to go back. Does this happen to any one else? I always feel so weird after I watch a good movie. And I hate how I'm always HOT! I remember after 300 I was burning up. I guess I can measure how much a movie effected me by measuring how hot I am and how long it takes me to "settle." It is kind of a Chick Flick and a Romantic Comedy type, but My Little Bride is a pretty good movie.
The other night (Wed) I hung out with a friend that I haven't seen in the longest time. I got a call around 8ish at night and she was just like whats up and asked if I wanted to sit around and chat for a little while. I was super busy with homework, but I haven't seen her in so long I couldn't miss out on the chance. She lives really close so it didn't take me long to get there. I would have gotten there faster but I kind of forgot where she lived. I don't think I've been over there in like 3 years, maybe more. She showed me her school project she was working on and showed me other things she made. Her school project is such a good idea and I think she did an amazing job on it. While we were playing with her project, her little Brother, Andrew, gave me Kingdom Hearts to borrow since Dick and he are friends. But just getting a call from a old friend just kind of made my night. I was kind of having a sensitive week and I was questioning a lot of things but she kind of gave me a break. It felt good. Showed me that there is still some good friends out there, and that love and loyalty does exist a little. If I search hard enough, maybe I can find it. I told her thanks for calling me when I left, but I got to write it out again. It just meant that much to me. So thank you Lysie for making my night, making my week and just making me feel much better about myself.
The other week I thought about how horrible it would be if all my blogs got erased, I mean thats two years worth of memories, energy and time. It could all go away of a server crashes or of business runs dry. So, I thought about it and I want to have a hard copy of all my blogs. I am going to print all of them out. Its going to take a while. This computer lab allows you to print 7 pages for free a day. I think I've printed 10 days out already. I read through them one night, and while I was reading them I wanted to highlight major events, but it felt wrong marking them. So now, I have to print out two copies of each blog, one for keeping and one for marking. Now it will take double the time. After I'm done with all that, I think I am going to print out the comments people made, but thats not as important to me. We will see after I complete my mission. Pray for me, and if you know any place where I can print a shit load for free, let me know. And as I go, I think I am going to blog about old memories. RPG mission and Blog mission. Oof!
Earlier this week, my theory of stinky Chinese breath was strengthened. Why is it that they have kickin ass breath? And why do all Chinese people on the U of M campus look so damn bland. Its probably because they all belong to IT. I've been researching Japanese culture a little bit, and they have a pop culture and people who care about hygiene and their appearance. I don't know much about the Chinese culture that much, but do they have a pop culture or do they care what they look like? Maybe I'll look into it. When I say Chinese I mean all those countries in that area, I can't tell the difference. "Ya'll all look alike!" Someone once told me that the people over there don't really care about hygiene like we do, and I thought the guy was just being a racist, but its probably true. I love the little guy, but maybe Dick has some Chinese in him.
In U.S history class we are learning about World War II and I think some of the stuff we talk about are amazing. I really like listening to the parts that involve the Japanese. I think the Japanese people are really amazing. My Mom tells me that the Japanese and Korean cultures mirror each other a lot. We were talking about the nuclear bombs that were dropped in Japan and someone told us a story about a Japanese general. Even after the bombs had been dropped, he told his troops that they would fight to the end. I mean this is after a nuclear bomb was dropped in their country. I don't think anything could ever intimidate people like that. Someone also told us a story about the Japanese citizens at this time. That when the war was coming to an end, the citizens were gearing up to fight because they wanted to stand by their emperor. Honor and Loyalty to the death. If I am tested someday, I hope I am strong enough to pass.
So I saved this blog as a draft since Friday and I had some other things I wanted to put in it but F it. I'll just put those things in another blog. Oh, Zombie Ch. 3 soon!
Anything that happens in life, or questions about life that I can think of. Please feel free to comment on any of the topics I bring up. I enjoy reading other perspectives. Now stop reading the header you loser.
Anything that happens in life, or questions about life that I can think of. Please feel free to comment on any of the topics I bring up. I enjoy reading other perspectives. Now stop reading the header you loser.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Super Smash Bros. #1
The first official Super Smash Bros. post.
Welcome and thank you.
I hope I stay motivated enough and I hope later to gain help from other people to keep this idea fresh. Through this I hope to unite our Super Smash group and put us on the same page, I hope to expand and bring other people into our network, I hope to teach some skills to our prospect players and raise our overall level of play, and I hope to keep information flowing. I just want to use this as a big update board.
Here is list of everyone that is recognized in our Smash Bros. network:
Min Lee (Min)
Jon Franklin (Jon)
Richard Lee (Dick)
Andy Dawson (Daws)
Mitch Hauschildt (Bnny)
Peter Leisen (Pete)
Dean Kong (Den)
Andy Christenson (Andy)
Nick Almberg (Nick)
Eric Olson (Red)
Vince Gandsey (Ving)
David Weum (Dav)
Now for a history lesson. The history of Super Smash Bros. from my perspective (I think it would be cool if others shared their story). Super Smash Bros. started for me when I saw the commercial for the original game on the N64. The commercial where you see all the Nintendo mascots running through the field and then they beat each other up. I thought the game looked amazing and I thought the concept was so cool. No one has ever gathered all the major heroes together in one game to find out who is the greatest video game hero of them all. If we could collect all the heroes across all the platforms, we all know Solid Snake would come out on top, and this will be proven once Super Smash Bros. Brawl comes out. After I saw the commercial, I knew I was going to get it. And when it came out, I did just that and I've been hooked on the series ever since. My friend Justin from across the street back in Minneapolis would come over and we would smash out a few good hours. But I first started growing as a player only when Ayabe, Sye and I started playing. We would sleep over at Ayabe's house and play Super Smash all night and mix in some Mario Party. Those Mario Party blisters were awful. We would end each night with a 100 life battle on the Pokémon stage. My character of choice was Samus and I remember Ayabe using Donkey Kong. The game lasted us a long time, and even when the games magic had run dry, we would return to it once in a while. Then I moved to Plymouth. The game wasn't touched for a little while but it was revived when we started hanging out in Andy's basement. A new group of fighters that consisted of Andy, Richard, Dean, Jon, Natalie and Melissa. After a while, it became obvious that Andy and I were the top two fighters and everyone wanted to see who was the best. So one night we had a one on one battle to put all doubt to rest. Andy was his usual Fox and I used my trusted Samus. The battle was fierce and it went back and forth but in the end I won by fraction. The fight was on Brimstar, I believe thats what it's called, the Samus level with the rising lava. We both had one life left and we reaching 100%. We were on the top platform and I had a Bob-omb and I threw it down but Andy jumped to use his up kick attack with Fox and we both got caught in the explosion. When the dust cleared, I was the victor. Ever since, Andy has been cursed when it comes to explosion battles and I have obtained given some sort of explosion immunity. The game died off but with the release of the Game cube and Super Smash Bros. Mêlée, Super Smash was back in our lives. Dean was the only one with a Gamecube at the time and he only had two controllers so we took turns playing. It was still amazing. After I saved up some money, I went out to Best Buy and I got my own Gamecube and copy of Super Smash Bros. Mêlée. I only had two controllers so we had to take turns again. I believe at this time Dean had moved away. Mitch bought me an Orange Cube controller for my birthday which is still put to good use, and will continue to be since Brawl is expected to use the Cube controllers. However, the game still didn't catch on with everyone. It would be played on and off. Later, Jon and I went through a stretch where we played everyday for about two hours. This is where I built most of my skill. Everyday after school, we would meet, play some basketball in the cul-de-sac then go to my place and play Mêlée with Dick. This lasted for while but slowly this routine faded. After this era, Mêlée was played here and there when we got bored. Jon and I talked about going back to our old routine but it never fully happened, but slowly Super Smash was making a comeback. Now it more alive and more competitive with more people. The game is being played to its fullest again. This rebirth should carry us right into the Brawl era, which is going to be amazing, no doubt about it. The original Super Smash wasn't a launch game, but Mêlée was. It might have been two years in between those two games, but it has been around four years and still no Super Smash upgrade. Brawl will bring a breath of fresh air for all. I hope my luck continues and I hope can remain one of the elite players in our network. I am looking forward to starting clean and building a new fighting style. Throughout my Mêlée history I have created my own fighting style, and it was My fighting style that influenced many of the other fighters. I enjoy creating my own methods. This is also true with Halo2. I bought the game when it was released and created my own fighting style since day one. My style leaked into Jon's style and molded Ben Lee's whole game. It makes me proud when I see them do well in Halo because it feels like I am a part of the winnings. The same story goes for DDR. I had nothing to model my style from, so I taught myself. It was brand new to everyone and being the first to lead the way is something I am very proud of. I didn't even realize everyone was following my footsteps until one day Tony Seeman told me that its nice having something to base lessons off of. Only after that did I realize I pave a lot paths for others. I am very much looking forward to Brawl, but I will continue to perfect my Mêlée game. I need to be ready for the day I get beat down hard my a stronger opponent.
The oldest players on record are Jon, Richard and Myself, but the oldest Mêlée players are from Dean's GameCube era. When we first started keeping track of stats, Dick, Jon and I signed up together. I believe it was then Mitch and Dawson who joined. Then it was probably Peter and shortly after Dean and Andy. Recently Nick, Red and Vince have enlisted. The latest addition was Dave just a week ago.
In each post I want to have three reoccurring columns. One about little traditions and unwritten rules our network played by. Most of these old practices no longer apply since they were purged by the younger fighters. The second reoccurring column is where I want to write out some cool tips that people might not know about. In the last section I want to post recent updates, I have a few I need to list today. I will keep the first two sections fairly short this time because I didn't expect the blog to be this long.
This is an important one and it has been brought up a couple of times this past month. The idea of character claim. Some might think it is a stupid idea, and it kind of is, but it's about respect and loyalty. I also think playing with one character makes you a better fighter. All of the best fighters I fought, played with one character. Our Mêlée elite group that consists of Jon, Dean and Myself all have characters claimed. I was asked by a couple of members if I could give them a character recently, and it just doesn't work like that. You have to earn your character. You just have to keep using the same character and respect the game and the rest will take care of its self. You don't have to be good to claim a character, but if you show that you are loyal to one character and that you are a virtuous fighter, you should be allowed to pick a character without others getting in the way. This idea of character claim a lot of history, but a part of it is so there aren't any doubles playing at the same time. Some people complained in the past about losing track of which fighter belonged to who. So it helps people keep track, but there are many other traditions and elements involved. After you have played with one person for a while, Dean, Jon, Dawson and I will vote to see if the fighter is worthy of a character claim. I am thinking the group that decides will consist of Jon, Dean and Myself from now on since Dawson isn't around and I don't consider him an elite fighter. I think we had him around since we needed another voter in the past but with the emergence of Dean his services are no longer needed. So basically, play with one character, show that you are a respectable fighter, and things should work out by them self. Sometimes a battle between two people is needed to decide who gets a character because it wouldn't make sense to give the character to a less skilled fighter. Only one of these have happened and I don't see many of the happening since many people quit on their characters. I hope this clears it up a little.
Here is a short list of characters that can't be used:
Dr. Mario (Min)
Zelda/Sheik (Jon)
Roy (Daws)
Jigglypuff (Den)
The next longest running steak is Vince with Samus.
I think I am going to state only one tip so I can end this post soon. Here is one that I thought everyone knew, but recently figured out only a small portion knew.
The invisibility pick up is useful not because you become invisible, but because when you have it on, you can't receive damage. People usually ignore the pickup because you obviously aren't invisible, and why would you want to be completely invisible. Some people say when you pick it up, you are invincible, but don't think that. If you have a high percentage, you can still be knocked out of a level with it on. If you grab it when you are at 0%, you will stay at 0% for as long as it lasts. So don't think this pickup is useless, because if you think about the trade off, it could equal a life. If you inflict 50% while you have it and avoid 50%, thats a net worth of 100%. Seems worth it to me.
Recent News
Finish this post off with some news.
1) Dean has earned the rights to Jigglypuff. This news might be a month or two old now, but it is major and I felt I should list it.
2) Dean entered the ranks of an Elite fighter. That makes three of us now. This is also old news, but important news.
3) Nick and Mitch lost their progression for character claims. Mitch switched his character recently and Nick experimented with others. Experimenting doesn't hurt you as much, but it definitely slows your claim down.
4) Dr. Mario the character has clocked in the maximum amount of minutes that can be recorded. Thought this was kind of cool.
5) David Weum has joined our network.
Can't wait to play some Mêlée this weekend!
The End
Welcome and thank you.
I hope I stay motivated enough and I hope later to gain help from other people to keep this idea fresh. Through this I hope to unite our Super Smash group and put us on the same page, I hope to expand and bring other people into our network, I hope to teach some skills to our prospect players and raise our overall level of play, and I hope to keep information flowing. I just want to use this as a big update board.
Here is list of everyone that is recognized in our Smash Bros. network:
Min Lee (Min)
Jon Franklin (Jon)
Richard Lee (Dick)
Andy Dawson (Daws)
Mitch Hauschildt (Bnny)
Peter Leisen (Pete)
Dean Kong (Den)
Andy Christenson (Andy)
Nick Almberg (Nick)
Eric Olson (Red)
Vince Gandsey (Ving)
David Weum (Dav)
Now for a history lesson. The history of Super Smash Bros. from my perspective (I think it would be cool if others shared their story). Super Smash Bros. started for me when I saw the commercial for the original game on the N64. The commercial where you see all the Nintendo mascots running through the field and then they beat each other up. I thought the game looked amazing and I thought the concept was so cool. No one has ever gathered all the major heroes together in one game to find out who is the greatest video game hero of them all. If we could collect all the heroes across all the platforms, we all know Solid Snake would come out on top, and this will be proven once Super Smash Bros. Brawl comes out. After I saw the commercial, I knew I was going to get it. And when it came out, I did just that and I've been hooked on the series ever since. My friend Justin from across the street back in Minneapolis would come over and we would smash out a few good hours. But I first started growing as a player only when Ayabe, Sye and I started playing. We would sleep over at Ayabe's house and play Super Smash all night and mix in some Mario Party. Those Mario Party blisters were awful. We would end each night with a 100 life battle on the Pokémon stage. My character of choice was Samus and I remember Ayabe using Donkey Kong. The game lasted us a long time, and even when the games magic had run dry, we would return to it once in a while. Then I moved to Plymouth. The game wasn't touched for a little while but it was revived when we started hanging out in Andy's basement. A new group of fighters that consisted of Andy, Richard, Dean, Jon, Natalie and Melissa. After a while, it became obvious that Andy and I were the top two fighters and everyone wanted to see who was the best. So one night we had a one on one battle to put all doubt to rest. Andy was his usual Fox and I used my trusted Samus. The battle was fierce and it went back and forth but in the end I won by fraction. The fight was on Brimstar, I believe thats what it's called, the Samus level with the rising lava. We both had one life left and we reaching 100%. We were on the top platform and I had a Bob-omb and I threw it down but Andy jumped to use his up kick attack with Fox and we both got caught in the explosion. When the dust cleared, I was the victor. Ever since, Andy has been cursed when it comes to explosion battles and I have obtained given some sort of explosion immunity. The game died off but with the release of the Game cube and Super Smash Bros. Mêlée, Super Smash was back in our lives. Dean was the only one with a Gamecube at the time and he only had two controllers so we took turns playing. It was still amazing. After I saved up some money, I went out to Best Buy and I got my own Gamecube and copy of Super Smash Bros. Mêlée. I only had two controllers so we had to take turns again. I believe at this time Dean had moved away. Mitch bought me an Orange Cube controller for my birthday which is still put to good use, and will continue to be since Brawl is expected to use the Cube controllers. However, the game still didn't catch on with everyone. It would be played on and off. Later, Jon and I went through a stretch where we played everyday for about two hours. This is where I built most of my skill. Everyday after school, we would meet, play some basketball in the cul-de-sac then go to my place and play Mêlée with Dick. This lasted for while but slowly this routine faded. After this era, Mêlée was played here and there when we got bored. Jon and I talked about going back to our old routine but it never fully happened, but slowly Super Smash was making a comeback. Now it more alive and more competitive with more people. The game is being played to its fullest again. This rebirth should carry us right into the Brawl era, which is going to be amazing, no doubt about it. The original Super Smash wasn't a launch game, but Mêlée was. It might have been two years in between those two games, but it has been around four years and still no Super Smash upgrade. Brawl will bring a breath of fresh air for all. I hope my luck continues and I hope can remain one of the elite players in our network. I am looking forward to starting clean and building a new fighting style. Throughout my Mêlée history I have created my own fighting style, and it was My fighting style that influenced many of the other fighters. I enjoy creating my own methods. This is also true with Halo2. I bought the game when it was released and created my own fighting style since day one. My style leaked into Jon's style and molded Ben Lee's whole game. It makes me proud when I see them do well in Halo because it feels like I am a part of the winnings. The same story goes for DDR. I had nothing to model my style from, so I taught myself. It was brand new to everyone and being the first to lead the way is something I am very proud of. I didn't even realize everyone was following my footsteps until one day Tony Seeman told me that its nice having something to base lessons off of. Only after that did I realize I pave a lot paths for others. I am very much looking forward to Brawl, but I will continue to perfect my Mêlée game. I need to be ready for the day I get beat down hard my a stronger opponent.
The oldest players on record are Jon, Richard and Myself, but the oldest Mêlée players are from Dean's GameCube era. When we first started keeping track of stats, Dick, Jon and I signed up together. I believe it was then Mitch and Dawson who joined. Then it was probably Peter and shortly after Dean and Andy. Recently Nick, Red and Vince have enlisted. The latest addition was Dave just a week ago.
In each post I want to have three reoccurring columns. One about little traditions and unwritten rules our network played by. Most of these old practices no longer apply since they were purged by the younger fighters. The second reoccurring column is where I want to write out some cool tips that people might not know about. In the last section I want to post recent updates, I have a few I need to list today. I will keep the first two sections fairly short this time because I didn't expect the blog to be this long.
This is an important one and it has been brought up a couple of times this past month. The idea of character claim. Some might think it is a stupid idea, and it kind of is, but it's about respect and loyalty. I also think playing with one character makes you a better fighter. All of the best fighters I fought, played with one character. Our Mêlée elite group that consists of Jon, Dean and Myself all have characters claimed. I was asked by a couple of members if I could give them a character recently, and it just doesn't work like that. You have to earn your character. You just have to keep using the same character and respect the game and the rest will take care of its self. You don't have to be good to claim a character, but if you show that you are loyal to one character and that you are a virtuous fighter, you should be allowed to pick a character without others getting in the way. This idea of character claim a lot of history, but a part of it is so there aren't any doubles playing at the same time. Some people complained in the past about losing track of which fighter belonged to who. So it helps people keep track, but there are many other traditions and elements involved. After you have played with one person for a while, Dean, Jon, Dawson and I will vote to see if the fighter is worthy of a character claim. I am thinking the group that decides will consist of Jon, Dean and Myself from now on since Dawson isn't around and I don't consider him an elite fighter. I think we had him around since we needed another voter in the past but with the emergence of Dean his services are no longer needed. So basically, play with one character, show that you are a respectable fighter, and things should work out by them self. Sometimes a battle between two people is needed to decide who gets a character because it wouldn't make sense to give the character to a less skilled fighter. Only one of these have happened and I don't see many of the happening since many people quit on their characters. I hope this clears it up a little.
Here is a short list of characters that can't be used:
Dr. Mario (Min)
Zelda/Sheik (Jon)
Roy (Daws)
Jigglypuff (Den)
The next longest running steak is Vince with Samus.
I think I am going to state only one tip so I can end this post soon. Here is one that I thought everyone knew, but recently figured out only a small portion knew.
The invisibility pick up is useful not because you become invisible, but because when you have it on, you can't receive damage. People usually ignore the pickup because you obviously aren't invisible, and why would you want to be completely invisible. Some people say when you pick it up, you are invincible, but don't think that. If you have a high percentage, you can still be knocked out of a level with it on. If you grab it when you are at 0%, you will stay at 0% for as long as it lasts. So don't think this pickup is useless, because if you think about the trade off, it could equal a life. If you inflict 50% while you have it and avoid 50%, thats a net worth of 100%. Seems worth it to me.
Recent News
Finish this post off with some news.
1) Dean has earned the rights to Jigglypuff. This news might be a month or two old now, but it is major and I felt I should list it.
2) Dean entered the ranks of an Elite fighter. That makes three of us now. This is also old news, but important news.
3) Nick and Mitch lost their progression for character claims. Mitch switched his character recently and Nick experimented with others. Experimenting doesn't hurt you as much, but it definitely slows your claim down.
4) Dr. Mario the character has clocked in the maximum amount of minutes that can be recorded. Thought this was kind of cool.
5) David Weum has joined our network.
Can't wait to play some Mêlée this weekend!
The End
Somtimes, I feel so worthless
Sometimes, I feel like I am the only who cares.
Last night I wrote a sweet ass blog on MySpace for some reason and then all of a sudden MySpace got fucked up and I lost it all. Now I remember why I hate writing blogs on MySpace. Fuck you MySpace! It was such a good blog to, I got some good venting in.
Right now I am sitting in the MLK lab writing this out and eating a Banana Joe bought me before school today at the gas station. 4 for a buck and he insisted I take two of them. It a good ass banana though.
I feel like I haven't blogged in a long time, and well its because I haven't. I usually blog on Tuesdays when I have like a 2 hour gap between classes but I had to meet my Career Exploration group to get a project done. So now, if I can even remember, I have to write about what I did at the end of my spring break, what I've been up to and just a bunch of other things I have on my mind.
Before I start I have to talk about something that just happened today or else I'll forget since I don't have this one written in my blog notes. We went to the library to learn about at microfilms or something, I forget what they are called, and the lady that showed us how to use them was very nice, but she had an accent. It amazes me how inconsiderate people. She was the nicest, brightest librarian I have ever seen and still people ridiculed her because she spoke a little funny. It amazes me that people can't see through the exterior and look deeper into someones true personality. Its times like these that makes me hate people more and more. We are suppose to be the greatest creatures on the Earth. I like to think we are the worst. There aren't enough decent people on this Earth. One day all those nuclear missiles will in handy.
Alright, lets get the end of my Spring Break in while I remember it. On one of the nights I went over to Peter's and hung out with a fresh group of people. Mitch and Peter were there, but Gifford, Weum, Gallus and Megan were also there. It reminded me how much I like being around people. It was nice to be in the middle of a fresh new group. Not only that, they are very respectable people which made it that much better. But I also know, when you spend more time with people, you get to see their poor qualities and thats when you really discover who people are. Not saying they are bad people, because I don't think that at all, but I've seen it happen where I think I meet someone really nice, but they turn out to be a fag (Not literally). I wouldn't mind a few new people in my life to keep things fresh. Makes me more excited to move into Melrose because that will give me a chance to go out and meet people. I think right now I need someone who is a lot like me. Someone with the same morals, same interests, someone who views life the way I do and many other qualities. Sometimes I do feel kind of alone, because I don't think any one really understands me.
I don't remember much from spring break. It feels like it was a month ago but it was just last week. It feels like the Taking Back Sunday show was months ago but it was just two weeks ago. Crazy how time and memories clash. I believe on Friday of my spring break I went out with my Mom and Dad and caught a Korean movie at the theater in uptown. Its called The Host and I guess it is the top grossing film in Korea; eat shit Titanic. Was a pretty good movie, kind of long, but it was fairly entertaining. The CGI was little iffy but nothing you couldn't get passed. I mean shit, if I could do computer graphics that well, I wouldn't mind. The movie was about a creature that spawns because of American influenced pollution in the Han river. The movie has a slight anti-American feel to it which I actually kind of enjoyed (More on this later). The creature feeds on humans and the movie follows the story of one family's attempt to save a family member. I don't remember what happened over the weekend. Must have been pretty uneventful. Oh! On Saturday we went out looking for Final Fantasy 7. We went to an EB Games but they didn't have anything and it was expected since they are pretty much GameStop now. Then we thought we would try GameCrazy but when we got there the store didn't even exist anymore. So, I thought of this locally owned store in Brooklyn Park called Game N' Go. They had a shit ton old games. They had 3 copies of Final Fantasy 7. Two in the Greatest Hits cover and one in the original cover. We had scored, well, we would have scored if the game wasn't $129.99. I guess you could one of the greatest hits versions for $100. I wasn't ready to drop that much on a PS game. Looked like we were never going to get our hands on FF7, but just recently I found a computer version on the HUB, so we will probably crank that one out. Went home, played a shit load of Melee, For like the whole night I think. Went to Applebees, got some grub, went home and played some God of War since Mitch got it at EB Games. Looked like the first one pretty much. Sunday, I organized my MySpace and Facebook and my laptop and Hard drive. Then went to Dean's to sleep over where I did my HUB shopping and found the FF7 game. I also got the Advent Children soundtrack and I've been listening to that ever since. Amazing stuff (More on it later).
I forget what day I went to the bank with my Mom, but she needed to go and I wanted to cash my change so I tagged along. My Mom had saved a bunch of pennies so she told me to cash those while I was there. She had a shit load of pennies where I had a mixture of pennies, nickels and dimes and we wanted to see who had more net value. She won, but she let me keep it all so I made $20 dollars just by trading on coins. I am a TCF member so cashing coins is free if I do it at a TCF. Usually you need to show a card or something with proof that you are a TCF member. Well I was about the pull my card out and the teller told me she believed me and that I wouldn't need to show her any proof. It doesn't seem like a lot, but just that certificate of trust touched me. Made me realize that I value peoples trust in me a lot more then I had realized. Trust is a very important thing, I already knew that, but it was a good reminder. I think Loyalty has strong correlations with trust, and those two qualities don't come easy to a lot of people. Damn shame.
Got to get to my Korean class. Class is starting a bit early today because we are watching a Korean flick and our teacher wanted to squeeze it in in two days instead of it leaking it into Monday. So I will save this as a draft and continue when I get out.
The movie started pretty good! Should be nice to wrap up my school week with an entertaining movie.
Couple more things before I start my Melee blog.
I've been killing this Advent Children soundtrack ever since I got it off the HUB. So many great elements to the music. Nobuo Uematsu is an awesome composer. I mixes rock and theatrical and symphonic elements all in one. And I think it works great! Just a ton of emotion infused into the music. I think its awesome that he can blend a driving Story of the Year like guitar riff and bring Bach and a choir into it and keep a very theatrical feel to it all. While we are talking about music, why is the genre I like so much called "Rock?" Why is that genre named after a piece of Earth? Maybe someone can explain this to me.
One more thing before my Melee blog. A couple of things made me think of this, but I was thinking about the election coming up in 08. Maybe its because its the first election I am able to vote for, but I think this next election is going to be very important. It seems like America is in a sensitive state right now. I could care less about this black president, woman president buzz. I mean it would be cool, but I think the bigger issue is, can we elect a decent person? Not that Bush is a bad person, but c'mon, he just seems like a dumbass. I think we need someone that brings people skills, morals and other human qualities, and not worry so much about politics. After we put a good human being in office, the rest will take care of it self. I think we need someone who can make us proud to be the people we are. The Host presented some anti-American messages, and I'm glad they did. Even Americans seemed to have anti-American feelings now. We need someone who can bring is all together. I think that quality of being united is underrated. Think about it. Would you ever consider teaming up with a Tiger or another animal? No, because there is no bond between the two. But lets says aliens come to Earth and they threaten to eliminate all Earthlings, now you and the Tiger are grouped into the same group. Only when we have a connection with someone is when we truly look out for each other.
Alrighty, I got a bunch of other things I want to talk about but they can wait. The girl to my left is dancing in her seat listening to music and the girl to my right is blogging. Good for her.
Last night I wrote a sweet ass blog on MySpace for some reason and then all of a sudden MySpace got fucked up and I lost it all. Now I remember why I hate writing blogs on MySpace. Fuck you MySpace! It was such a good blog to, I got some good venting in.
Right now I am sitting in the MLK lab writing this out and eating a Banana Joe bought me before school today at the gas station. 4 for a buck and he insisted I take two of them. It a good ass banana though.
I feel like I haven't blogged in a long time, and well its because I haven't. I usually blog on Tuesdays when I have like a 2 hour gap between classes but I had to meet my Career Exploration group to get a project done. So now, if I can even remember, I have to write about what I did at the end of my spring break, what I've been up to and just a bunch of other things I have on my mind.
Before I start I have to talk about something that just happened today or else I'll forget since I don't have this one written in my blog notes. We went to the library to learn about at microfilms or something, I forget what they are called, and the lady that showed us how to use them was very nice, but she had an accent. It amazes me how inconsiderate people. She was the nicest, brightest librarian I have ever seen and still people ridiculed her because she spoke a little funny. It amazes me that people can't see through the exterior and look deeper into someones true personality. Its times like these that makes me hate people more and more. We are suppose to be the greatest creatures on the Earth. I like to think we are the worst. There aren't enough decent people on this Earth. One day all those nuclear missiles will in handy.
Alright, lets get the end of my Spring Break in while I remember it. On one of the nights I went over to Peter's and hung out with a fresh group of people. Mitch and Peter were there, but Gifford, Weum, Gallus and Megan were also there. It reminded me how much I like being around people. It was nice to be in the middle of a fresh new group. Not only that, they are very respectable people which made it that much better. But I also know, when you spend more time with people, you get to see their poor qualities and thats when you really discover who people are. Not saying they are bad people, because I don't think that at all, but I've seen it happen where I think I meet someone really nice, but they turn out to be a fag (Not literally). I wouldn't mind a few new people in my life to keep things fresh. Makes me more excited to move into Melrose because that will give me a chance to go out and meet people. I think right now I need someone who is a lot like me. Someone with the same morals, same interests, someone who views life the way I do and many other qualities. Sometimes I do feel kind of alone, because I don't think any one really understands me.
I don't remember much from spring break. It feels like it was a month ago but it was just last week. It feels like the Taking Back Sunday show was months ago but it was just two weeks ago. Crazy how time and memories clash. I believe on Friday of my spring break I went out with my Mom and Dad and caught a Korean movie at the theater in uptown. Its called The Host and I guess it is the top grossing film in Korea; eat shit Titanic. Was a pretty good movie, kind of long, but it was fairly entertaining. The CGI was little iffy but nothing you couldn't get passed. I mean shit, if I could do computer graphics that well, I wouldn't mind. The movie was about a creature that spawns because of American influenced pollution in the Han river. The movie has a slight anti-American feel to it which I actually kind of enjoyed (More on this later). The creature feeds on humans and the movie follows the story of one family's attempt to save a family member. I don't remember what happened over the weekend. Must have been pretty uneventful. Oh! On Saturday we went out looking for Final Fantasy 7. We went to an EB Games but they didn't have anything and it was expected since they are pretty much GameStop now. Then we thought we would try GameCrazy but when we got there the store didn't even exist anymore. So, I thought of this locally owned store in Brooklyn Park called Game N' Go. They had a shit ton old games. They had 3 copies of Final Fantasy 7. Two in the Greatest Hits cover and one in the original cover. We had scored, well, we would have scored if the game wasn't $129.99. I guess you could one of the greatest hits versions for $100. I wasn't ready to drop that much on a PS game. Looked like we were never going to get our hands on FF7, but just recently I found a computer version on the HUB, so we will probably crank that one out. Went home, played a shit load of Melee, For like the whole night I think. Went to Applebees, got some grub, went home and played some God of War since Mitch got it at EB Games. Looked like the first one pretty much. Sunday, I organized my MySpace and Facebook and my laptop and Hard drive. Then went to Dean's to sleep over where I did my HUB shopping and found the FF7 game. I also got the Advent Children soundtrack and I've been listening to that ever since. Amazing stuff (More on it later).
I forget what day I went to the bank with my Mom, but she needed to go and I wanted to cash my change so I tagged along. My Mom had saved a bunch of pennies so she told me to cash those while I was there. She had a shit load of pennies where I had a mixture of pennies, nickels and dimes and we wanted to see who had more net value. She won, but she let me keep it all so I made $20 dollars just by trading on coins. I am a TCF member so cashing coins is free if I do it at a TCF. Usually you need to show a card or something with proof that you are a TCF member. Well I was about the pull my card out and the teller told me she believed me and that I wouldn't need to show her any proof. It doesn't seem like a lot, but just that certificate of trust touched me. Made me realize that I value peoples trust in me a lot more then I had realized. Trust is a very important thing, I already knew that, but it was a good reminder. I think Loyalty has strong correlations with trust, and those two qualities don't come easy to a lot of people. Damn shame.
Got to get to my Korean class. Class is starting a bit early today because we are watching a Korean flick and our teacher wanted to squeeze it in in two days instead of it leaking it into Monday. So I will save this as a draft and continue when I get out.
The movie started pretty good! Should be nice to wrap up my school week with an entertaining movie.
Couple more things before I start my Melee blog.
I've been killing this Advent Children soundtrack ever since I got it off the HUB. So many great elements to the music. Nobuo Uematsu is an awesome composer. I mixes rock and theatrical and symphonic elements all in one. And I think it works great! Just a ton of emotion infused into the music. I think its awesome that he can blend a driving Story of the Year like guitar riff and bring Bach and a choir into it and keep a very theatrical feel to it all. While we are talking about music, why is the genre I like so much called "Rock?" Why is that genre named after a piece of Earth? Maybe someone can explain this to me.
One more thing before my Melee blog. A couple of things made me think of this, but I was thinking about the election coming up in 08. Maybe its because its the first election I am able to vote for, but I think this next election is going to be very important. It seems like America is in a sensitive state right now. I could care less about this black president, woman president buzz. I mean it would be cool, but I think the bigger issue is, can we elect a decent person? Not that Bush is a bad person, but c'mon, he just seems like a dumbass. I think we need someone that brings people skills, morals and other human qualities, and not worry so much about politics. After we put a good human being in office, the rest will take care of it self. I think we need someone who can make us proud to be the people we are. The Host presented some anti-American messages, and I'm glad they did. Even Americans seemed to have anti-American feelings now. We need someone who can bring is all together. I think that quality of being united is underrated. Think about it. Would you ever consider teaming up with a Tiger or another animal? No, because there is no bond between the two. But lets says aliens come to Earth and they threaten to eliminate all Earthlings, now you and the Tiger are grouped into the same group. Only when we have a connection with someone is when we truly look out for each other.
Alrighty, I got a bunch of other things I want to talk about but they can wait. The girl to my left is dancing in her seat listening to music and the girl to my right is blogging. Good for her.